Devices of alignment
Suoyi- and Danshi-prefaced questions in Mandarin Chinese TV news interviews
This study draws on a conversational analysis (CA)-oriented micro-analytical approach and examines the form,
placement and function of interviewer (IR) questions prefaced by turn-initial 所以 suoyi ‘so’ and 但(是)
dan(shi) ‘but’ in Chinese TV news interviews. It is found that IRs often employ the resultative connective
suoyi as the first item of their turn immediately after a question-answer (QA) sequence. They do so to
preface a declarative, alone or followed by a question tag that invokes an interviewee (IE) opinion on, or the gist of, IE prior
talk. While such a design can be a device that IRs use to signal the closing of the ongoing topic, the recipient may orient to it
as eliciting confirmation or agreement. By contrast, the adversative connective dan(shi) in the turn-initial
position prefaces either a wh-question or a yes/no question and brings forth a point of contrast and transition for questioning.
As a practice with which IRs re-direct the IE’s response to a previous unaddressed concern with the agenda tightened, the
dan(shi)-prefaced questions do not convey opposition or disagreement. Rather, they function to deal with the
resumption in a way that renders it unproblematic. I argue that both types of connective-prefaced questions together with the
responses they elicit demonstrate a particular kind of alignment between IRs and IEs in Chinese TV news interviews.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Literature review
- 2.1CA studies on question-answer organization and question design in news interviews
- 2.2CA studies on connectives and connective-prefaced questions
- 3.Data and methods
- 4.Analysis
- 4.1IR questions prefaced by suoyi
- 4.2IR questions prefaced by dan(shi)
- 5.Discussion and concluding remarks
- Notes
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