The rise of a high transitivity marker 到 dao in contemporary Chinese
Co-evolvement of language and society
Kan Chen | Zhejiang University of Technology and University of California, Los Angeles
Transitivity has been approached from various discourse functional points of view. In this paper, we describe the emergence in standard Chinese of a marker of high transitivity, 到 dao ‘reach’, in syntactic contexts where it has not been attested before (e.g., 帮助到你 bangzhu
ni ‘help you’). We argue that this emergence is associated with a number of factors: the semantic properties of the main verb, dialectal influences, and recent social trends towards consumerism and an emergent “yuppie” identity in contemporary Chinese urban life. We take the innovative uses of dao to be an instance of linguistic structure co-evolving with societal change.
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Cited by three other publications
卫东, 詹 & 陶 红印
北美书面汉语语法特点探析 ——— 基于互联网中文文本的考察.
Global Chinese 2:1
► pp. 51 ff.

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