Part of
Creoles in Education: An appraisal of current programs and projects
Edited by Bettina Migge, Isabelle Léglise and Angela Bartens
[Creole Language Library 36] 2010
► pp. 237272
Cited by (13)

Cited by 13 other publications

Kester, Ellen-Petra & Samantha Buijink
2023. Language use, language attitudes, and identity in Aruba. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 38:2  pp. 389 ff. DOI logo
van der Elst-Koeiman, Melissa, Eliane Segers, Ronald Severing & Ludo Verhoeven
Bouchard, Marie-Eve
2022. Redefining Forro as a marker of identity: Language contact as a driving force for language maintenance among Santomeans in Portugal. Multilingua 41:1  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Bouchard, Marie-Eve
2023. “We have that strong R, you know”: the enregisterment of a distinctive use of rhotics in Santomean Portuguese. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2023:279  pp. 233 ff. DOI logo
Forteau-Jaikaransingh, Beulah
2022. Learner Differences and Second Language Learning: A Post-colonial Perspective. In Intersections of Diversity, Literacy, and Learner Difficulties,  pp. 129 ff. DOI logo
Nero, Shondel
2022. Slicing the onion: reflections and projections on language education policy in the Caribbean. Educational Linguistics 1:2  pp. 309 ff. DOI logo
Wiel, Keisha
2022. A Commentary on the Inclusion of the Dutch Caribbean within Caribbean Anthropological Studies. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 27:3  pp. 470 ff. DOI logo
Mijts, Eric, Ellen-Petra Kester & Nicholas G. Faraclas
2021. Challenges for Inclusive Education Through Home Languages in the Caribbean Part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. In Transformative Pedagogical Perspectives on Home Language Use in Classrooms [Advances in Early Childhood and K-12 Education, ],  pp. 172 ff. DOI logo
Rosner, Viktor
2021. Algunas observaciones sociolingüísticas sobre el Caribe de lenguas criollas. Amerika 22 DOI logo
Kester, Ellen-Petra
2020. Language use, language attitudes and identity in Curaçao. In New Approaches to Language Attitudes in the Hispanic and Lusophone World [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 25],  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo
Faraclas, Nicholas, Ellen-Petra Kester & Eric Mijts
2019. Literature Review, Survey, Narrative Proficiency Test, Focus Group Sessions, Interviews and Classroom Observations. In Community Based Research in Language Policy and Planning [Language Policy, 20],  pp. 29 ff. DOI logo
Renema, Jeanette A. J. & Marcel Lubbers
2019. Welfare-Based Income Among Immigrants in the Netherlands: Differences in Social and Human Capital. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 17:2  pp. 128 ff. DOI logo
Wigglesworth, Gillian, Rosey Billington & Deborah Loakes
2013. Creole Speakers and Standard Language Education. Language and Linguistics Compass 7:7  pp. 388 ff. DOI logo

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