Image-schema transformations, radial category, 3D topological structure, and subjectification
A cognitive semantic analysis of AROUND
This paper explores the polysemy of the preposition AROUND from a cognitive perspective. The purpose of this paper is: (i) to show that in cognitive semantics of AROUND, the trajectors (TRs), landmarks (LMs), and image-schemas are captured three-dimensionally and topologically; (ii) to show that in the senses of AROUND, a circular path sense is central, and other senses are formed from the central circular path sense via image-schema transformations and domain shift; (iii) to show that the image-schema transformations include: disposing the TR along the circular path, and excluding motion; mental scanning of the circular path; the TR entering the inside of the LM (which is termed ‘LM-internal TRs’ in this paper); and segment profiling; (iv) to present the radial category relating each sense of AROUND; and (v) to show that the sense of ‘LM-internal TRs’ of AROUND can be subjectified diachronically.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.A semantic analysis of AROUND
- 2.1Sense A: Circular path — the central image-schema
- 2.2Sense B: The ‘circular static state’ sense
- 2.3Sense C: Mental scanning of the circular path
- 2.4Sense D: LM-internal TR
- 2.5Sense E: Segment profiling
- 2.5.1Sense E1: Profiled arc path
- 2.5.2Sense E2: Profiled endpoint of the arc path
- 2.5.3Sense E3: Profiled endpoint of the access path
- 2.6Sense F: The ‘approximately’ sense
- 3.Radial category in AROUND
- 4.Subjectification of sense D
- 4.1Subjectification
- 4.2Subjectification of AROUND in sense D
- 5.Concluding remarks
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
- The following abbreviations are used
- Author queries
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