Chapter 5
Examining lexical variation further
Conjunctions and prepositions
Article outline
- Introduction to the chapter
- Conjunction and preposition variables and variants
- Hypotheses
- Participants
- Approach, dataset, and preparation
- Analytical procedure
- Results: Conjunctions
- Results: Prepositions
- Discussion: Differences in degree of variability
among conjunctions and prepositions
- Discussion: The effect of conjunction and preposition “type”
- Discussion: Different age effects for conjunctions and prepositions
- Discussion: The role of sex/gender (and its interactions with
- Discussion: The role of language attitudes
- Discussion: The role of proficiency in Lánnang‑uè source languages
- Discussion: The role of ethnic identity and orientation
- Discussion: Downtown Manila as source of preposition
- Discussion: Where are the Mandarin-sourced variants?
- Conclusion
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