List of tables
Table 1.General language use of Lannangs in different settings
Table 2.Languages used by Lannang speaker-listener pairs based on my general observations from 2010 to 2020
Table 3.Languages used by Lannang speaker and non-Lannang Filipino listener pairs based on my general observations from 2010 to
Table 4.Attitudes of Lannangs towards major languages used in the community based on my general observations and survey responses from
2010 to 2020
Table 5.Consonants using the Lannang orthography
Table 6.Vowels using the Lannang orthography
Table 7.Tones using the Lannang orthography
Table 8.Example Swadesh list elicitation task completed by a 24-year old male Lannang
Table 9.Proportion of speakers in selecting a particular source language variant to express basic Lánnang‑uè vocabulary
Table 10.Consonants of Lánnang‑uè
Table 11.Diphthongs in Lánnang‑uè
Table 12.Syllable type and examples (boldface indicates emphasis)
Table 13.Tones in Lánnang‑uè
Table 14.Tones in Mandarin and Mandarin-sourced words
in Lánnang‑uè
Table 15.The classifiers of Lánnang‑uè
Table 16.Personal pronouns
Table 17.Derivational prefixes in the noun phrase domain
Table 18.Modals in Lánnang‑uè
Table 19.Aspect markers in Lánnang‑uè
Table 20.Negative markers in Lánnang‑uè
Table 21.List of the most common verb phrase adverbs, with origin and distribution
Table 22.Frequency distribution of variants for selected adverbs
Table 23.Clause-level constituent orders
Table 24.The prepositions of Lánnang‑uè
Table 25.The conjunctions of Lánnang‑uè
Table 26.Common interjections in Lánnang‑uè
(with linguistic source)
Table 27.Discourse particles
Table 28.Distribution of participants by factors of interest
in this chapter
Table 29.Distribution of stimuli (prosody)
Table 30.Linear regression results for syllable duration
Table 31.Frequency of Lánnang‑uè words that did not have lexical tone, by source language
Table 32.Generalized linear mixed-effects regression (with logistic link function) results — likelihood to use lexical tone in a
Lánnang‑uè word)
Table 33.Frequency syllables that did not adhere to the CVT/CV tone pattern, by syllable structure
Table 34.Frequency of syllables that did not adhere to the CVR-Tagalog/CVR-English tone pattern, by source language
Table 35.Linear regression results for final syllable pitch slope
Table 36.Conjunction variants by conjunction variable and source language (attested in the Lannang Corpus)
Table 37.Preposition variants by preposition variable and source language (attested in the Lannang Corpus)
Table 38.Distribution speakers by social groups of interest
in this study
Table 39.Factors that each conjunction and preposition token
was coded for
Table 40.Thomason and Kaufman’s (1988) borrowing scale
Table 41.Summary of main effects of selected robust variables
Table 42.Distribution of participants by factors of interest
in this chapter
Table 43.Blocks, condition, and stimuli for the wh-question production experiment
Table 44.Conditions, and items for the wh-question acceptability experiment
Table 45.Sample item set for argument wh-questions
Table 46.Sample item set for adjunct wh-questions
Table 47.Distribution of wh-phrases (in the questions) that did not conform to the position distributional pattern, by
Table 48.Linear regression results for likelihood to put the wh-phrase sentence-initially
Table 49.Linear regression results for likelihood to put the why-phrase sentence-initially
Table 50.Linear regression results for likelihood to put the how/when/where/who/what-phrase sentence-initially
Table 51.Distribution of ratings that did not conform to the position distributional patterm, by type
Table 52.Spread scores by position and wh-phrase type
Table 53.Intra- and interspeaker variation scores by position
and wh-phrase type
Table 54.Linear regression results — likelihood to adhere to wh-question distributional pattern based on acceptability
Table 55.Linear regression results — ratings of sentence-initial constructions featuring why-phrases
Table 56.Linear regression results — ratings of sentence-medial constructions featuring why-phrases
Table 57.Linear regression results — ratings of sentence-initial constructions featuring how/when/where/object
who/object what-phrases)
Table 58.Linear regression results — ratings of constructions featuring sentence-medial how-/when-/where-phrases and
sentence-final object who-/what-phrases
Table 59.Frequency and percentage distribution of source language variants by independent variables (conjunctions)
Table 60.Bayesian model posterior draw estimates for predictors influencing likelihood to use Hokkien-, English- and Tagalog-sourced
conjunction variants
Table 61.Frequency and percentage distribution of source language variants by independent variables (prepositions)
Table 62.Bayesian model posterior draw estimates for predictors influencing likelihood to use Hokkien-, English- and Tagalog-sourced
preposition variants
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