List of tables
Table 1.The list of topoi operationalised within this study, adapted from Reisigl and Wodak
(2001). Topoi marked with * indicate topoi that were not originally included within Reisigl and Wodak’s study
Table 2.Commenter 4’s use of the topos of advantage and freedom in thread 16
Table 3.Commenter 2’s use of the topos of definition in thread 32
Table 4.Commenter 8’s use of the topoi of freedom and justice in thread 1
Table 5.Commenter 8 use of the topoi of history, freedom, and uselessness in thread 35
Table 6.Commenter 10 use of the topos of advantage in thread 37
Table 7.OP 31’s use of the topoi of finance and advantage in post 31
Table 8.Commenter 9’s use of the topoi of advantage and freedom in thread 31
Table 9.OP 47’s use of the topos of advantage in post 47
Table 10.Commenter 3 and Commenter 4’s use of the topos of freedom in thread 37
Table 11.Commenter 2’s use of the topos of freedom in thread 47
Table 12.Commenter 41’s use of the topos of finance in thread 47
Table 13.Commenter 1’s use of the topoi of reality and threat in thread 44
Table 14.Commenter 20’s use of the topos of censorship in thread 2
Table 15.Commenter 44’s use of the topos of definition and uselessness in thread 22
Table 16.Commenter 1’s use of the topos of uselessness in thread 13
Table 17.Commenter 56’s use of the topos of abuse in thread 22
Table 18.Commenter 5’s use of the topos of definition in thread 45
Table 19.Commenter 1’s use of the topos of definition in thread 30
Table 20.Commenter 7 and Commenter 6’s use of the topos of abuse in thread 6
Table 21.Commenter 23’s use of the topoi of freedom and finance in thread 17
Table 22.Commenter 8 in thread 9’s use of the topos of definition
Table 23.Commenter 15’s use of the topos of finance in thread 4
Table 24.Commenter 1’s use of the topoi of numbers, authority, uselessness, and justice in thread 6
Table 25.A comment chain from thread 22, where Commenter 49 uses the topos of advantage, Commenter 50 uses the topos of uselessness and
Commenter 51 uses the topos of finance
Table 26.Commenter 6’s use of the topoi of abuse and threat in thread 9
Table 27.Commenter 70’s use of the topoi of authority, history, and abuse in thread 22
Table 28.Commenter 18’s use of the topos of threat in thread 4
Table 29.Commenter 10’s use of the topos of threat in thread 4
Table 30.Commenter 19’s use of the topoi of justice, uselessness, and finance in thread 30
Table 31.Commenter 4’s use of the topos of definition in thread 5
Table 32.Commenter 5 use of the topos of threat in thread 19
Table 33.Commenter 27’s use of the topos of responsibility in thread 17
Table 34.Commenter 61’s use of the topos of humanitarianism in thread 40
Table 35.Commenter 26’s use of the topoi of definition, history, numbers, and threat in thread 40
Table 36.Commenter 2’s use of the topoi of authority, history, threat, definition, and justice in thread 39
Table 37.Post 40’s use of the topos of justice
Table 38.Commenter 31’s use of the topos of justice in thread 40
Table 39.Commenter 1 in thread 2’s use of the topos of justice
Table 40.Commenter 2’s use of the topos of justice in thread 2
Table 41.Commenter 9’s use of the topos of uselessness in thread 3
Table 42.Commenter 17’s use of the topos of justice in thread 33
Table 43.Commenter 2’s use of the topoi of abuse and definition in thread 19
Table 44.Commenter 14’s use of the topoi of abuse and numbers in thread 19
Table 45.Post 28’s use of the topos of justice
Table 46.Commenter 35’s use of a topos of justice in thread 28
Table 47.Commenter 20’s use of the topos of justice in thread 42
Table 48.Commenter 7’s use of the topos of justice in thread 42
Table 49.Commenter 22’s use of the topoi of uselessness, history, and definition in thread 27
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