Table of contents
PART 1: Effects of religion on language
2. A decalogue of basic theoretical perspectives for a sociology of language and religion
3. Language and world order in Bahá’í perspective: A new paradigm revealed
4. Religion and traditional beliefs in West African English: A linguistic analysis
5. Eastern-Christian tradition and the Georgian language
6. Alcoholism and authority: The secularization of religious vernaculars
7. The role of religion in the language choice and identity among Lithuanian immigrants in Scotland
8. Religion, social history, and language maintenance: African languages in post-apartheid South Africa
9. Creating God in our own image: The attributes of God in the Yoruba socio-cultural environment
PART 2: The mutuality of language and religion
10. Societal multilingualism and multifaithism: A sociology of language and religion perspective
11. Ideology, authority, and language choice: Language of religion in South Asia
12. The shifting role of languages in Lebanese Christian and Muslim identities
13. Language and religion in Bethlehem: A socio-historical linguistic perspective
14. The role of language in some ethnic churches in Melbourne
15. Language use and religious practice: The case of Singapore
PART 3 : Effects of language on religion
16. 'Etymythological othering' and the power of 'lexical engineering' in Judaism, Islam and Christianity: A socio-philo(sopho)logical perspective
17. Language, culture, science and the sacred: Issues and concerns in curriculum development for indigenous Americans
18. Prayers as an integrative factor in Jewish religious discourse communities
19. Maligned and misunderstood: Marginal movements and UK law
PART 4: Language and religion on literacy
20. The role of liturgical literacy in UK Muslim communities
21. The Shamanic book: Diversity, language and writing in an indigenous community in Brazil
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