The art of not governing too much in vocational rehabilitation encounters
This chapter uses ethnomethodological conversation analysis (CA) to investigate
the empirical manifestations of governmentality in vocational rehabilitation
encounters in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. How
can the counsellors’ actions be understood as conducting the conduct of clients
in the setting of vocational rehabilitation? How do the counsellors’ practices,
especially their ways of dealing with client resistance, relate to the core idea of
governmentality as governing, not at the cost of, but through the freedom of
individuals? The chapter analyses the dialogue techniques in six instances in
which the client uses silence and minimal response tokens to resist the counsellor’s
actions. Earlier CA research has suggested counsellors have a rather
unilateral orientation to client resistance. However, this analysis reveals a more
responsive orientation, since it demonstrates how counsellors choose inviting,
non-intrusive action designs in the first place, as well as make adjustments to
the cued client resistance. These practices may be understood as evidencing a
technology of sensibility, co-constituting the client’s agency in situ.
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