Chapter 12
Cognitive frames, imaginaries and discursive constructions
Post-15M discourses with reference to eco-social alternatives
In this paper, I analyse the discourse construction of the “Integral Catalan Cooperative” (or CIC), a social group which emerged in Catalonia a year before the outbreak of the 15M social movement, but which became consolidated after this group pitched their tents in the Plaza de Cataluña in Barcelona. This group is developing an eco-social initiative based on a new form of cooperativism. The data were collected in spring 2014 by means of the ethnographic method of participant observation.
The analysis shows how one of the main functions of its discourses is the development of a new framework or social imaginary, the “integral revolution.” This construction is discursively supported by lexical creativity to designate the new realities they are building, lexicalised metaphors (that is, ontological image-schemas) and other exceptionally creative metaphors.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Critical discourse analysis from a constructivist position
- 2.1Theoretical and methodological framework
- 2.2The relationship between the constructivist approach and other current research on discourse
- 2.3Texts, discourses and discursive practices
- 3.Discourse analysis
- 3.1The context of the CIC
- 3.2Data analysis
- 3.2.1Lexical selection within the general framework of the integral revolution
- 3.2.2The metaphor as a fundamental trope of the CIC’s imaginary
- 4.Interpretation and results
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► pp. 164 ff.
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