Chapter 3
The rhetorical use of political metaphor before, during and after the presidency
Television interviews with the former Croatian president
This paper examines the ways in which politicians, depending on their political position, employ political metaphors as a tool to create a public image. Therefore, the use of political metaphors is analyzed through the prism of synergies of political topics, rhetorical strategies of evaluation and the use of personification. The research has been conducted on the sample of political interviews with the former Croatian President Ivo Josipović in a weekly talk show Nedjeljom u dva (Two o’clock on Sunday), aired on Croatian Television’s first TV channel. The analysis was based on making a distinction between the political phases of the chosen politician (presidential candidate, elected president, former president and politician). The aim of the paper was to point out how the same politician used the same source domain in an interrelation with the topic and as support for different argument functions. The results suggest that differentiating between political roles enable a view on how this particular politician frames his political debate depending on his function and goals.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theoretical background
- 2.1Metaphors in political discourse
- 2.2A political topic as a person within the public image of politicians
- 3.Methods and data
- 3.1Research design and research questions
- 3.2Methodological approach
- 4.Findings
- 4.1The choice of topics depending on a political phase
- 4.2The relationship between the topics, metaphors and evaluation
- 5.Conclusion
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