Article published In:
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Vol. 1:1 (1999) ► pp.3951
Cited by (33)

Cited by 33 other publications

Christmann, Ursula & Norbert Groeben
2024. Comprehensibility: the psychological perspective. In Handbook of Accessible Communication [Easy – Plain – Accessible, 15],  pp. 119 ff. DOI logo
Strohmaier, Anselm R., Timo Ehmke, Hendrik Härtig & Dominik Leiss
2023. On the role of linguistic features for comprehension and learning from STEM texts. A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review 39  pp. 100533 ff. DOI logo
Blochowiak, Joanna, Cristina Grisot & Liesbeth Degand
2022. From implicit to explicit. Pragmatics & Cognition 29:1  pp. 29 ff. DOI logo
Patout, Pierre-André & Marie-Ève Damar
2021. La cohérence dans les productions écrites des étudiants universitaires. Lidil :64 DOI logo
Cevasco, Jazmín, Felipe Muller & Federico Bermejo
2020. Comprehension of topic shifts by Argentinean college students: Role of discourse marker presence, causal connectivity and prior knowledge. Current Psychology 39:3  pp. 1072 ff. DOI logo
Safaie, Sepehr
2020. The effects of explicit and implicit teaching of connectors on the reading comprehension performance of Iranian EFL learners. Cogent Education 7:1 DOI logo
Wetzel, Mathis, Sandrine Zufferey & Pascal Gygax
2020. Second Language Acquisition and the Mastery of Discourse Connectives: Assessing the Factors That Hinder L2-Learners from Mastering French Connectives. Languages 5:3  pp. 35 ff. DOI logo
Abel, Roman & Martin Hänze
2019. Generating Causal Relations in Scientific Texts: The Long-Term Advantages of Successful Generation. Frontiers in Psychology 10 DOI logo
Kleijn, Suzanne, Henk L.W. Pander Maat & Ted J.M. Sanders
2019. Comprehension Effects of Connectives Across Texts, Readers, and Coherence Relations. Discourse Processes 56:5-6  pp. 447 ff. DOI logo
Nadal, Laura & Inés Recio Fernández
2019. Processing implicit and explicit causality in Spanish. In Empirical studies of the construction of discourse [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 305],  pp. 253 ff. DOI logo
Moncada, Fernando
2018. Interacción entre conectores y conocimiento previo en el procesamiento de la coherencia causal. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 76  pp. 179 ff. DOI logo
Welie, Camille, Rob Schoonen & Folkert Kuiken
2018. The role text structure inference skill plays for eighth graders’ expository text comprehension. Reading and Writing 31:9  pp. 2065 ff. DOI logo
2017. Processing of positive-causal and negative-causal coherence relations in primary school children and adults: a test of the cumulative cognitive complexity approach in German. Journal of Child Language 44:2  pp. 297 ff. DOI logo
Welie, Camille, Rob Schoonen, Folkert Kuiken & Huub van den Bergh
2017. Expository text comprehension in secondary school: for which readers does knowledge of connectives contribute the most?. Journal of Research in Reading 40:S1 DOI logo
Hall, Sophie Susannah, John Maltby, Ruth Filik & Kevin B. Paterson
2016. Key skills for science learning: the importance of text cohesion and reading ability. Educational Psychology 36:2  pp. 191 ff. DOI logo
Zufferey, Sandrine, Willem Mak, Liesbeth Degand & Ted Sanders
2015. Advanced learners’ comprehension of discourse connectives: The role of L1 transfer across on-line and off-line tasks. Second Language Research 31:3  pp. 389 ff. DOI logo
Speyer, Augustin & Anita Fetzer
2014. The coding of discourse relations in English and German argumentative discourse. In The Pragmatics of Discourse Coherence [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 254],  pp. 87 ff. DOI logo
Crosson, Amy C. & Nonie K. Lesaux
2013. Does knowledge of connectives play a unique role in the reading comprehension of English learners and English‐only students?. Journal of Research in Reading 36:3  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Kent Lee
2013. Korean ESL Learners’ Use of Connectors in English Academic Writing. English Language Teaching 25:2  pp. 81 ff. DOI logo
Aidinlou, Nader Assadi & Ambigapathy A/L Pandian
2011. The Impact of Local and Global Conjunctions on ESL Reading Comprehension: A Systemic Perspective. Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2:2 DOI logo
Al-Surmi, Mansoor
2011. Discourse Markers and Reading Comprehension: Is there an effect?. Theory and Practice in Language Studies 1:12 DOI logo
Jalilifar, A. R. & Z. G. Shooshtari
2011. Metadiscourse Awareness and ESAP Comprehension. Journal of College Reading and Learning 41:2  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
Moritz, Britta
2011. Markierung von Kohärenzrelationen in Sachtexten – Auswirkung auf das Leseverstehen von Schülern. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen  pp. 389 ff. DOI logo
Sarda, Laure, Shirley Carter-Thomas & Benjamin Fagard
2011. Présentation du numéro. Discours :8 DOI logo
Morera, Yurena, Manuel De Vega & Juan Camacho
2010. Differences in continuity of force dynamics and emotional valence in sentences with causal and adversative connectives. Cognitive Linguistics 21:3 DOI logo
Cevasco, Jazmín
2009. The Role of Connectives in the Comprehension of Spontaneous Spoken Discourse. The Spanish journal of psychology 12:1  pp. 56 ff. DOI logo
Kamalski, Judith, Ted Sanders & Leo Lentz
2008. Coherence Marking, Prior Knowledge, and Comprehension of Informative and Persuasive Texts: Sorting Things Out. Discourse Processes 45:4-5  pp. 323 ff. DOI logo
2008. Generating basic skills reports for low-skilled readers. Natural Language Engineering 14:4  pp. 495 ff. DOI logo
Pander Maat, H. & T. Sanders
2006. Connectives in Text. In Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics,  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
Taboada, Maite & William C. Mann
2006. Rhetorical Structure Theory: looking back and moving ahead. Discourse Studies 8:3  pp. 423 ff. DOI logo
Maury, Pascale & Amélie Teisserenc
2005. The role of connectives in science text comprehension and memory. Language and Cognitive Processes 20:3  pp. 489 ff. DOI logo
Lefèvre, N. & G. Lories
2004. Text cohesion and metacomprehension: Immediate and delayed judgments. Memory & Cognition 32:8  pp. 1238 ff. DOI logo

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