Action Research in Workplace Innovation and Regional Development

 | Institute for Regional Cooperation, Wieren, Germany
 | The Work Institute, Nottingham Trent University, UK
ISBN 9789027217851 (Eur) | EUR 85.00
ISBN 9781588114679 (USA) | USD 128.00
ISBN 9789027295620 | EUR 85.00 | USD 128.00
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The past is an increasingly unreliable guide to the future.
European workplaces and the regions in which they are located face unprecedented pressures and challenges. Whereas in recent decades incremental adaptation has largely been sufficient to cope with external change, it is no longer clear that this remains the case. Globalisation, technological development and dissemination, political volatility, patterns of consumption, and employee expectations are occurring at a rate which is hard to measure. The rate of change in these spheres is far outstripping the rate of organisational innovation in both European enterprises and public governance, leading to a serious mismatch between the challenges of the 21st Century and the organisational competence available to deal with them.
In this context, there is no clear roadmap. The contributors to this volume address these issues and demonstrate that building the knowledge base required by actors in this volatile environment requires continuous dialogue and learning – a context in which social partners, regional policy makers and other participants share diverse knowledge and reflect on experience rather than seeking and imitating any notion of ‘best practice’. Action Research has a crucial role to play, embedding shared learning within the process of innovation.
[Dialogues on Work and Innovation, 15] 2004.  x, 355 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Table of Contents
Cited by (20)

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Main BIC Subject

KJM: Management & management techniques

Main BISAC Subject

BUS085000: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior
ONIX Metadata
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2003062822 | Marc record