Chapter 9
Facilitating children’s elicitation of interlaced narratives in classroom interactions
This chapter is based on the analysis of interactions that were video-recorded during 66 meetings in 24 (years 4 to 7) classrooms in five Italian schools. These meetings are part of a project aiming to collect personal photos regarding children’s memories and to use them to facilitate the production of narratives around children’s memories in classroom interactions. This chapter focuses on the facilitation of interlaced narratives, i.e. new narratives elicited through children’s responses to an initial narrative. The analysis concerns the ways in which facilitative actions enhance (or do not enhance) interlaced narratives, and the interactional structures that allow (or do not allow) children to elicit new narratives, that is, to move from a child’s initial narrative to other children’s narratives.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Data
- 3.The analysis of interlaced narratives in classroom interactions: Theoretical background
- 3.1Facilitation, agency and epistemic authority
- 3.2Structures of positioning
- 3.3The analysis
- 4.Analysis of facilitation supporting children’s agency as elicitation of new narratives
- 4.1Questions and invitations
- 4.2Leaving the floor to children’s elicitation of new narratives
- 4.3Enhancing interruptions as narratives
- 5.Facilitation that treats children’s interruptions as obstacles to narrative
- 5.1Providing quick feedback and going back to the interrupted narrative
- 5.2Providing feedback to critical contributions
- 5.3Ignoring the interruptions
- 6.Conclusions
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Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Baraldi, Claudio
Researching Agency and Interaction: Methodological Considerations. In
Facilitating Children's Agency in the Interaction [
Studies in Childhood and Youth, ],
► pp. 95 ff.

Baraldi, Claudio
Facilitating Children’s Autonomous Initiatives. In
Facilitating Children's Agency in the Interaction [
Studies in Childhood and Youth, ],
► pp. 149 ff.

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