‘Hakken en plakken’
Een verkenning van de rol van morfologisch bewustzijn in het spellingonderwijs
Orthography is considered to be a major problem in Dutch education, since many pupils don’t seem to be able to
master orthographic rules, even after years of education. In educational literature it is argued that the problems related to
spelling are caused by approaches that focus more on rules of thumb than on linguistic insights. This is somewhat remarkable,
since a good understanding of the Dutch orthographic system requires a fair amount of morphological knowledge. In order to
effectively implement this knowledge, the development of a morphological awareness (MA) seems to be required. Therefore, a short
intervention was designed for the upper levels of secondary schools (4 havo) which aimed to foster MA and, subsequently, improve
orthographic skills. Results of this quasi-experimental study indicate that a short intervention can significantly boost MA, but
that students don’t seem to be able to use MA effectively to enhance spelling performance.
Article outline
- 1.Inleiding
- 1.1Spellingbewustzijn, fonologisch en morfologisch bewustzijn
- 2.Methode
- 2.1Participanten
- 2.2Interventie
- 2.2.1Ontwerpprincipes
- 2.2.2Inhoud
- 2.3Pre- en posttest
- 3.Resultaten
- 3.1Expliciete kennis (spelvaardigheid)
- 3.2Morfologisch bewustzijn (MB)
- 3.3Hardopdenkprotocollen
- 3.3.1Goede spellers
- 3.3.2Slechte spellers
- 4.Conclusie en discussie
- Dankwoord
- Opmerking
Article language: Dutch
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