We chart the incursion of quotative be like into Dublin English, drawing comparisons with similar
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quotative system with the L1 Dublin English benchmark reveals that not all L1 usage constraints are faithfully replicated by L2
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Cited by (13)
Cited by 13 other publications
Corrigan, Karen P.
2024. English in Ireland. In Language in Britain and Ireland, ► pp. 178 ff.
Hansen Edwards, Jette G.
2024. Social Factors and L2 Phonetics and Phonology,
2021. Indigenizing say in Australian Aboriginal English. Australian Journal of Linguistics 41:4 ► pp. 453 ff.
Deuber, Dagmar, Eva Canan Hänsel & Michael Westphal
2021. Quotativebe likein Trinidadian English. World Englishes 40:3 ► pp. 436 ff.
Diskin‐Holdaway, Chloé
You know
among migrants in Ireland and Australia
. World Englishes
Corrigan, Karen P. & Chloé Diskin
2020. ‘Northmen, Southmen, comrades all’? The adoption of discourselikeby migrants north and south of the Irish border. Language in Society 49:5 ► pp. 745 ff.
2024. English. In Language in Britain and Ireland, ► pp. 9 ff.
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