Chapter 4
Postcolonial images, ambivalence and weak border zones
“Us” and “the others” in the account of an early twentieth-century Swedish traveller
This chapter deals with the largely unknown and slightly studied travel account of Otto Nordenskjöld in the
Argentinian-Chilean Patagonia as part of the preparation to his well-known and documented travel to Antarctica. By using
several key terms of postcolonial theory, such as ambivalence, border, identity, binaries and in-between, an analysis of the
way in which Nordenskjöld’s portrays the image of the Indigenous people and how civilisation treats them (from Nordenskjöld’s
perspective) is proposed. Thus, it is argued that, in the complex relation between travel account and images, an ambiguous
representation of European values and the Indigenous people arises, which destabilises the typical binaries of the colonial
discourse. The contribution demonstrates that, as travellers transition between two realms, they may find it challenging to
shed their European viewpoint, even in situations where colonial brutality is openly denounced.
Article outline
- Le Tour du Monde magazine: Travel accounts in postcolonial contexts
- Us, the others and the in-between: From the hierarchy to the ambivalence
- Conclusion