Constructional effects of indirect evidential marking in Harakmbut
This article focuses on two types of constructional effects of indirect evidential marking in Harakmbut (isolate,
Peru). Both types originate in a clash of interpretation: the use of indirect evidential marking indicates a shift of perspective
away from the speaker (as if they did not witness the event, thus disclaiming epistemic authority), while the events referred to
are in principle directly accessible to them. As the signalled shift is not fully realized in interpretation, the effects will be
characterized as showing perspective persistence. The first type involves constructions with a first person agent, and indirect
evidential marking is found to produce the interpretation that the speaker performed the action referred to unintentionally,
finding out about the outcome of this action only later. Other types of non-volitional events – without pragmatic inference on the
part of the speaker – are found not to carry indirect evidential marking; they use different linguistic means to signal
non-volitionality. The second type involves constructions with impersonal predicates referring to the cycle of the sun, and the
use of indirect evidential marking yields emphasis on the completion of the event referred to. It is proposed that both types of
effects can be explained in terms of endpoint emphasis (cf.
DeLancey 1985).
Article outline
- 1.The Harakmbut language and collection of data
- 2.The Harakmbut finite verb form and evidentiality
- 3.Indirect evidential marking with first person agents: Involuntary action
- 4.Indirect evidential marking with impersonal predicates: Completion
- 5.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
- Abbreviations
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Cited by one other publication
Van linden, An
When the alienability contrast fails to surface in adnominal possession: bound nouns in Harakmbut.
Linguistics 61:6
► pp. 1533 ff.
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