How nice does it sound?
An argumentative approach to the affective aspects of irony
The chapter presents irony as a form of the
reductio ad absurdum argument having a specific
emotional charge, which cannot be found either in literal arguments
or in other arguments containing figurative language. The claim of
the chapter is that irony production depends on the ironist’s
ability to convey the emotional charge together with the point she
invites the addressee(s) to infer. An empirical study is presented
aiming (1) to understand whether and when participants produce
(non-sarcastic/sarcastic) ironic vs. literal arguments having a
positive vs. negative emotional charge and (2) to check whether and
when participants revise their own (non-sarcastic/sarcastic) ironic
vs. literal arguments when they are at the addressee’s side, in both
critical and praise irony conditions.
Article outline
- 1.Irony as an indirect argument
- 2.The affective and evaluative aspects of irony
- 3.Blurring the boundaries of irony’s affective aspects
- 4.The empirical study
- 4.1Specific background to the study
- 4.2Hypotheses
- 4.3Participants
- 4.4Materials
- 4.5Rating studies
- 4.6Method
- 4.7Results
- 5.Discussion
- 6.Conclusion
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