Abdel-Raheem, Ahmed
Taboo metaphtonymy, gender, and impoliteness: how male and female Arab cartoonists think and draw.
Social Semiotics 34:3
► pp. 331 ff.

Brookes, Heather, Dorothy Agyepong, Michelle White & Sefela Yalala
Lovcevic, Irena, Marina Kammermeier, Junko Kanero, Yuan Fang, Yan Dong, Sho Tsuji & Markus Paulus
Infants’ use of the index finger for social and non-social purposes during the first two years of life: A cross-cultural study.
Infant Behavior and Development 75
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Zlov, Vladislav & Jordan Zlatev
A cognitive-semiotic approach to impoliteness: Effects of conventionality and semiotic system on judgements of impoliteness by Russian and Swedish speakers.
Journal of Politeness Research 20:2
► pp. 249 ff.

Brown, Lucien, Iris Hübscher & Andreas H. Jucker
Brown, Lucien, Soung-U Kim & Hyunji Kim
The embodied enactment of politeness metapragmatics.
Journal of Politeness Research 19:1
► pp. 149 ff.

Hübscher, Iris, Cristina Sánchez-Conde, Joan Borràs-Comes, Laura Vincze & Pilar Prieto
Multimodal mitigation: how facial and body cues index politeness in Catalan requests.
Journal of Politeness Research 19:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Levinson, Stephen C.
Gesture, spatial cognition and the evolution of language.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 378:1875

Schleh, Lysander
Politeness, performance, and pointing: gesture in Chinese reality television.
Text & Talk 43:6
► pp. 827 ff.

Brown, Lucien, Hyunji Kim, Iris Hübscher & Bodo Winter
Shanunu, Zakaria, Mohammed Gadafi Ibrahim & Eliasu Alhassan
Cultural Underpinnings on the Use of Left-Hand in Gbanjong Community of the Tolon District of Ghana.
Journal of Education and Learning Technology ► pp. 13 ff.

Barasa, Margaret & Augustine Agwuele
A Repertoire of Bukusu Nonverbal Communicative System: Some Gender Differences. In
The Palgrave Handbook of African Oral Traditions and Folklore,
► pp. 377 ff.

Bobuafor, Mercy
Cultural values and the pragmatic significance of proverbial sayings in Tafi and Ewe.
Journal of Pragmatics 178
► pp. 192 ff.

Tkachman, Oksana, Gracellia Purnomo & Bryan Gick
Repetition Preferences in Two-Handed Balanced Signs: Vestigial Locomotor Central Pattern Generators Shape Sign Language Phonetics and Phonology.
Frontiers in Communication 5

Dumizulu Manungo, Rodgers
Lived Experiences of the Left-Handed: A Case of Solusi University, Zimbabwe.
► pp. 39 ff.

Brookes, Heather & Olivier Le Guen
Fenlon, Jordan, Kensy Cooperrider, Jon Keane, Diane Brentari & Susan Goldin-Meadow
Comparing sign language and gesture: Insights from pointing.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 4:1

Hostetter, Autumn B. & Martha W. Alibali
Gesture as simulated action: Revisiting the framework.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 26:3
► pp. 721 ff.

Li, Heng & Yu Cao
Hands occupied: Chinese farmers use more non-manual pointing than herders.
Lingua 222
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Chen, Rui, Jiao Sai, Qi Zhu, Renlai Zhou, Peng Li & Shunchao He
Horizontal Spatial Metaphors for Morality: A Cross-Cultural Study of Han Chinese Students and Ethnic Minority Hui Students in China.
Frontiers in Psychology 9

Cooperrider, Kensy, James Slotta & Rafael Núñez
The Preference for Pointing With the Hand Is Not Universal.
Cognitive Science 42:4
► pp. 1375 ff.

Zhao, Xueru, Xianyou He, Wei Zhang, Guangyao Chen, Qing Chen & Lixiang Huang
Interpersonal choice: The advantage on the left or on the right?.
International Journal of Psychology 53:5
► pp. 331 ff.

Brown, Lucien & Pilar Prieto
(Im)politeness: Prosody and Gesture. In
The Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic (Im)politeness,
► pp. 357 ff.

Brown, Lucien & Pilar Prieto
Gesture and Prosody in Multimodal Communication. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics,
► pp. 430 ff.

Hess, Ursula
Body Language. In
Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences,
► pp. 1 ff.

Hess, Ursula
Body Language. In
Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences,
► pp. 527 ff.

Mechraoui, Amal & Faridah Noor Binti Mohd Noor
Yu, Quanlei & Yafei Guo
Handedness. In
Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences,
► pp. 1 ff.

Yu, Quanlei & Yafei Guo
Handedness. In
Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences,
► pp. 1872 ff.

Brookes, Heather
Variation in Gesture: A Sociocultural Linguistic Perspective. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Gesture Studies,
► pp. 616 ff.

Gruber, James, Jeanette King, Jen Hay & Lucy Johnston
Thommen, Evelyne, Emmanuelle Rossini, Angela Di Fulvio, Nicola Rudelli, Corinne Cattelan, Melissa Zecchin & Michèle Guidetti
Le pointage dans l’autisme : Évolution de la compréhension et de la production après 6 mois d’intervention précoce.
Enfance 2016:04
► pp. 445 ff.

Thommen, Évelyne, Emmanuelle Rossini, Angela Di Fulvio, Nicola Rudelli, Corinne Cattelan, Melissa Zecchin & Michèle Guidetti
Le pointage dans l’autisme : Évolution de la compréhension et de la production après 6 mois d’intervention précoce.
Enfance N° 4:4
► pp. 445 ff.

Yang, Ping
Intercultural Nonverbal Communication Competence as Intercultural Responsiveness in the Second Language Learning Classroom. In
Intercultural Responsiveness in the Second Language Learning Classroom [
Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],
► pp. 127 ff.

Yang, Ping
Intercultural Nonverbal Communication Competence as Intercultural Responsiveness in the Second Language Learning Classroom. In
Multicultural Instructional Design,
► pp. 902 ff.

Yang, Ping
Intercultural Nonverbal Communication Competence as Intercultural Responsiveness in the Second Language Learning Classroom. In
Language Learning and Literacy,
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Jarmołowicz-Nowikow, Ewa
How Poles indicate people and objects, and what they think of certain forms of pointing gestures.
Lingua Posnaniensis 56:1
► pp. 85 ff.

Vaidyanathan, Vidya & Daniel Rosenberg
“Will Use It, Because I Want to Look Cool” A Comparative Study of Simple Computer Interactions Using Touchscreen and In-Air Hand Gestures. In
Human-Computer Interaction. Advanced Interaction Modalities and Techniques [
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► pp. 170 ff.

Kataoka, Kuniyoshi
“We just don’t get it right!”—Multimodal competence for resolving spatial conflict in wayfinding discourse.
Language & Communication 33:4
► pp. 404 ff.

Casasanto, Daniel & Tania Henetz
Handedness Shapes Children’s Abstract Concepts.
Cognitive Science 36:2
► pp. 359 ff.

Gullberg, Marianne
Bilingualism and Gesture. In
The Handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism,
► pp. 417 ff.

Gullberg, Marianne
Gesture and Second/Foreign Language Acquisition. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Gesture Studies,
► pp. 398 ff.

Liszkowski, Ulf, Penny Brown, Tara Callaghan, Akira Takada & Conny de Vos
A Prelinguistic Gestural Universal of Human Communication.
Cognitive Science 36:4
► pp. 698 ff.

Casasanto, Daniel, Kyle Jasmin & Hans P. Op de Beeck
Good and Bad in the Hands of Politicians: Spontaneous Gestures during Positive and Negative Speech.
PLoS ONE 5:7
► pp. e11805 ff.

Kita, Sotaro
Cross-cultural variation of speech-accompanying gesture: A review.
Language and Cognitive Processes 24:2
► pp. 145 ff.

Núñez, Rafael
Conceptual metaphor, human cognition, and the nature of mathematics. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought,
► pp. 339 ff.

Essegbey, J.
Ewe. In
Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics,
► pp. 369 ff.

Núñez, Rafael E. & Eve Sweetser
With the Future Behind Them: Convergent Evidence From Aymara Language and Gesture in the Crosslinguistic Comparison of Spatial Construals of Time.
Cognitive Science 30:3
► pp. 401 ff.

Ameka, Felix K. & Anneke Breedveld
Areal cultural scripts for social interaction in West African communities.
Intercultural Pragmatics 1:2

Filipi, Anna & Roger Wales
Perspective-taking and perspective-shifting as socially situated and collaborative actions.
Journal of Pragmatics 36:10
► pp. 1851 ff.

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Topics and Settings in Sociopragmatics. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics,
► pp. 247 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 5 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.