Part of
Multilingual Cognition and Language Use: Processing and typological perspectives
Edited by Luna Filipović and Martin Pütz
[Human Cognitive Processing 44] 2014
► pp. 229262
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Cited by (6)

Cited by six other publications

De Groot, Annette M. B.
2021. Bilingualism and Cognition. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
de Groot, Annette M. B.
2016. Language and cognition in bilinguals. In The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Multi-Competence,  pp. 248 ff. DOI logo
Matsuki, Eriko, Yasushi Hino & Debra Jared
2021. Understanding semantic accents in Japanese–English bilinguals: A feature-based approach. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 24:1  pp. 137 ff. DOI logo
Pan, Xuan & Debra Jared
2021. Cross-language activation of culture-specific features in Chinese–English bilinguals. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science 5:3  pp. 325 ff. DOI logo
2017. Representation and Process in Bilingual Lexical Interaction. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 20:5  pp. 867 ff. DOI logo
Fang, Shin-Yi, Benjamin D. Zinszer, Barbara C. Malt & Ping Li
2016. Bilingual Object Naming: A Connectionist Model. Frontiers in Psychology 7 DOI logo

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