Chapter 6
Probability of metaphor and metonymy in derivation
Article outline
- 6.1Introduction
- 6.2The hypothesis
- 6.3Method
- 6.4Evidence from Macmillan’s English Dictionary
- 6.4.1Patterns of literal-figurative base-derivative correlation for conversions
- 6.4.2Patterns of literal-figurative base-derivative correlation for suffixation
- 6.4.3Patterns of literal-figurative base-derivative correlation for pre-fixation
- 6.4.4Patterns of literal-figurative base-derivative correlation
for compounds
- 6.4.5Patterns of literal-figurative base-derivative correlation
for phrasal verbs
- 6.4.6Patterns of literal-figurative base-derivative correlation
for one-phrase idioms
- 6.4.7Patterns of literal-figurative base-derivative correlation
for two phrase idioms
- 6.5Summary and conclusion