Publications received published In:
Historiographia Linguistica
Vol. 2:3 (1975) ► pp.417427
Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent studies that seem to bear on linguistics, in particular the history of the discipline. Only the receipt of those books will be acknowledged separately which have been sent upon request. It should be pointed out that by accepting a book, the Editor implies no promise that it will be reviewed in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints are sent to the publishers of the works reviewed. The Editor encourages young scholars, in particular, to write him if they wish to review any of the books listed below; items preceded by an asterisk have already been chosen for review in one of the forthcoming issues of HL. They will only be listed here.
. 1975 . A Linguistic Approach to Metaphor (= PdR Press Publications on METAPHOR, 1 .) Lisse/Netherlands : The Peter de Ridder Press , 54 pp. Paper, Hfl. 61 ,-. [ Sep. publication of A’s contribution to Ut Videam: Contributions to an understanding of linguistics. For Pieter Verburg on the occasion of this 70th birthday, 17–66. Lisse: P. de Ridder, Press, 1975 .]
, 1975 . Linguistique saussurienne . (= Langue & Cultures; Etudes et Documents, 6 .) Geneva & Paris : Librairie Droz , 245 pp. [ On the basis of the findings of Robert Godel, Tullio De Mauro and others, and with the help of Rudolf Engler’s critical edition of the Saussurean Cours, A. attempts a synthesis of Saussure’s linguistic doctrine. The study consists of two major parts: I, “La perspective sémiologique et la théorie du signe” (23–125), and II, “La perspective proprement linguistique et l’analyse du signe” (127–212). There is a concluding chap. (213–24), an “Orientation bibliographique” (225–27), and two indices, one referring to the main passages in the Courc and the places in which they are analyzed in the book (231–32), the other containing names and terms (233–41) .]
* Amirova, T(amara) A(leksandrovna), B(oris) A(ndreevič) Ol’xovikov, and Ju-(rij) V(ladimirovič) Roždestvenskij . [ Editor-in-chief : G. V. Kolšanskij ]. 1975 . Očerk po istorii lingvistiki . [ Sketch of a history of linguistics ]. Moscow : Glavnaja redakcija vostočnoj literatury izdatel’stva “Nauka” , 559 pp. [ Cf. the review by Jivco Boyadjiev in this issue, pp.379–85 .]
. 1975 . The Indexical Element in Morphology . (= Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft; Vorträge, 12 .) Innsbruck : Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Univ. Innsbruck , 34 pp.
1974 . Language and Logic in the Post-Medieval Period . (= Synthese Historical Library, 12 .) Dordrecht/Holland & Boston/U.S.A. : D. Reidel Publ. Comp. , xv + 304 pp. Cloth, ca. Hf1.100 ,-. [ The vol. consists of the following main chaps.: I, “Historical introduction” (1–25); II, “Meaning and reference” (26–117); III, “Formal logic. Part one: Unanalyzed propositions” (118–86), and IV, “Formal logic. Part two: The logic of analyzed propositions” (187–252). These are followed by an appendix of Latin texts (253–81), a bibliography of primary (282–91) and secondary (291–95) sources, and an index of names (297–304). Of particular interest to the historian of linguistics is the introductory chap, which includes the following topics: “The publication of medieval works”, “Scholasticism in Italy and Germany”, “Scholasticism in France and Spain”, “Humanism”, “Rudolph Agricola and his influence”, “Petrus Ramus and his influence”, “Seventeenth century logic: Eclecticism”, “Humanism and late scholasticism in Spain”, “Other schools of logic [in the late 16th and early 17th century]”, and “A note on terminology [i.e., on logica and dialectica]” .]
. 1975 . Istorija lingvističeskix učenij . [ History of linguistic studies ]. Moscow : “Vysšaja Škola” , 304 pp. [ This account of the development of linguistics from the early beginnings to the present consists of the following major chaps.: I, “The rise of linguistic science”, covering the Indian, Greek, Roman, and Arabic grammarians, though only very briefly (5–15); II, “Linguistics of the 14th to 18th centuries”, from Dante to M. V. Lomonosov (16–30); III, “General and comparative-historical linguistics in the 19th century”, which B. begins with a brief account of early 19th-century linguistic work in Russia, before presenting the traditional story of Bopp and Rask (31–42); IV, “Humboldt’s linguistic concepts” (43–63); V, “Linguistics in Russia in the 1830’s to 1860’s” (64–76); VI, “A. A. Potebn-ja’s linguistic views”, offering a valuable account of an important 19th-century scholar generally ignored in the histories of linguistics (76–98); VII, “A. Schleicher’s linguistic views”, which is inspired by Α. V. Desnickaja’s laudable attempt (cf. VJa 20:6.3–15 [1971]) to correct the popular picture of Schleicher’s theory of language (99–108); VIII, “The neogrammarian school in linguistics”, which centers around the work of Brugmann, Osthoff, Paul, Delbrück, and Leskien during the 1870’s and 1880’s (109–28); IX, “F. F. Fortunatov’s linguistic concepts” (129–44), followed by a brief exposition of the views of his pupils (144–49) – cf. also HL III:1/1976; X, “The Kazan school of linguistics”, which includes (155–62) an account of Kruszewski’s linguistic ideas, celebrates Baudouin de Courtenay and gives a brief account of Bogorodickij, but does not mention other associates of the Kazan circle (150–77); XI, “F. de Saussure’s linguistic theory” (178–89), in which the main lines of Saussure’s doctrine are sketched and comparable ideas by his contemporaries, e.g., Baudouin de Courtenay, are discussed; XII, “Sociology and linguistics”, which discusses, after a presentation of particular views held by Engels, Marx, Lenin, and Paul La Fargue (1842–1911), the sociological theories of Comte, Tarde, and Durkheim, and the sociolinguistic ideas of Littré and Meillet and his ‘school’ (199–213); XIII, “Structural linguistics”, surveys the ideas of the major representatives of the Prague School (215–33), of Hjelmslev and his early associates (215–48), and of Boas, Sapir, and Bloomfield and his ‘school’ (248–66): Chomsky is only mentioned in passing; the final chap. is entitled “Soviet linguistics” (167–98) and presents the theories of Marr (271–74), his most prominent pupil, I. I. Meščaninov (174–76), and a number of his contemporaries, e.g., E. D. Polivanov (1891–1938), D. V. Bubrix (1890–1949), N. F. Jakovlev (b.1892), I. Ju. Kračkovskij (1883–1951), and others; this is followed by an account of the linguistic views of Ščerba, A. I. Smirnickij (1903–54), V. V. Vinogradov, and others. The index of names lists only authors whose ideas have been treated at some length or at least mentioned; foreign names are not given in their original orthography (299–301). There is no bibliography .]
Bibliographical Bulletin of the Greek Language for the Year 1973 . Ed. by George Babiniotis . Athens : Dept. of Linguistics of the Univ. of Athens , 1974 , 67 pp. [ For further information, write to: Prof. G. Babiniotis, Spoud-astērion Glōssologias, Panepistēmiou Athenon, Hippokratous 33, Athens 144, Greece .]
. 1968 . Ezikǔt kato obščestveno javlenie . [ Languages as a social phenomenon ]. Sofia : Nauka i Izkustvo , 119 pp. [ Pp. 5–49 consist of a survey of 19th and early 20th century linguistics, from Humboldt (6–9) to the early structuralists (46–49), including brief accounts of the ideas of Vossler (30–33), Saussure (36–40), and others. There is a short bibliography (116–18), but no index .]
. 1973 [ published 1975 ]. Neolingvistika – idejni osnovi, sǔštnost, teo-retični problemi . (= Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia; Faculté de Philologies slaves, 67:1, 135–217 .) Sofia , 85 pp. [ Fr. summ., “La néolinguistique: Ses fondements idéologiques, son essence, ses problèmes théoriques” (215–16). After a brief exposition of the linguistic ideas of Vico, who is regarded as a precursor of the neolinguistic theories in Italy and Germany (139–42), the aesthetic philosophy of Croce is expounded (142–57). There follow individual chaps, on the various members of the ‘neolinguistic school’, among which B. counts the following scholars: Vossler, Spitzer, Bartoli, Bertoni, Bertoldi, Bonfante, Pisani, Devoto, Nencioni, Bolelli, Leroy, and others. Bibliography (212–14 = 80–82 of separate ed.) .]
, ed. 1974 . Kritik der marxistischen Sprachtheorie Ν. Ja. Man s (= Skripten Linguistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 8 .) Kronberg i. Taunus : Scriptor Verlag , 262 pp. Paper, DM 291 ,-.[ Rather than presenting a ‘critique’ of Marr’s linguistic views, the book consists of the following parts: “Einleitung: Zur Kritik an der Lehre Marr’s” by the ed (5–20), which relates the criticisms of Stalin of 1950 and of more recent Marxist thinkers but adds nothing to refute Marr’s views in linguistic terms; Vladimir P. Nazarov, “Der gegenwärtige Stand der Erforschung der kaukasischen Sprachen” (21–61), which makes mention of Marr’s contribution to the field (21–24 passim), and Nikolaj Jakovlevič Marr (1864–1934), “Die japhetische Theorie: Allgemeiner Kurs der Lehre von der Sprache” (1927), translated for the first time into German (67–262) .]
1974 . Wittgensteinian Linguistics . (= Approaches to Semiotics; paperback series, 12 .) The Hague & Paris : Mouton , 135 pp. Paper, Hfl. 221 ,-. [ Foreword by Francis P. Dinneen, S.J. (7–9). The book consists of the following chaps: “Wittgenstein and ordinary usage” (20–29); “Formulation of rules-of-usage” 930–44); “Distinction between formulations” (45–55); “Aspects of the formulation” (56–71); “Language acquisition and innate order” (72–82); “Rules and symbols” (83–92), and “Wittgenstein’s definition of meaning as use” (93–121). Bib. (122–24); index of names and terms (125–35) .]
Bulletin Analytique de Linguistique Française 7 : 1 ( Nancy : Centre de Recherche pour un Trésor de la Langue française , 1975 ), xxi, 272, [xxii-] xl pp. [ This bib. includes (pp. 2, 10, 15, 17, 18 and 20) items published in HL 1.1–2 .]
. 1975 . Bibliographie 1947–1975 . Wiesbaden : Kommissionsverlag Otto Harrassowitz , 37 pp. [ Complete listing of D’s writings, together with a list of his university courses during 1952–1974/75 (32–35) .]
Degrés: Revue de synthèse à orientation sémiologique . Publication internationale trimestrielle , 2 : 6 (“ Théorie et pratique du code (I) ” ( Brussels , April 1974 ). [ For further information, write to the Editor: André Helbo, 8 Square Sainctelette, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium .]
* Forsgren, Kjell-Ake . 1973 . Zur Theorie und Terminologie der Satzlehre: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Grammatik von J. C. Adelung bis K. F. Becker, 1780–1830 . Doctoral diss. , Göteborg : Institut für deutsche Sprache, Göteborgs Univ. , vii + 217 typed pp.
Germanistische Linguistik . Herausgegeben vom Forschungsinstitut für deutsche Sprache, Deutscher Sprachatlas . Marburg/Lahn . 1974/1–2 (“ Die Hessischen Rahmenrichtlinien ‘Deutsch’ ”), 179 p. Hildesheim : G. Olms , 1974 .
* Heeschen, Volker . [ 1972 ]. Die Sprachphilosophie Wilhelm von Humboldts . Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Abteilung für Philologie der Ruhr-Universität Bochum . [ Tag der mündlichen Prüfung : 30 . Juni 1972 .]
, comp. 1975 . Language Origins: A bibliography . 2nd revised and enlarged ed. (= Approaches to Semiotics, 44 .) [ 21 vols. ] The Hague & Paris : Mouton , xiv + 890 pp. in small-4°. Cloth, Hf1. 2251 ,-. [ An alphabetical listing of ca. 11,000 titles – at times briefly annotated – “intended to cover aal works on the origins of language, and related topics, to the middle of 1972” (Foreword, p.v). This important bib. on the question of glottogenesis draws from various areas of scholarly activity throughout more than 2 millenia and may well reveal – as the compiler suggests (p.x) – apart from the general topic of language origin or origins, “aspects of a segment of intellectual history, on a theme which has received attention” for so many centuries and epochs of western civilization: “It has linked the ideas of such diverse individuals as Psammetichus (as reported by Herodotus), Plato, Lucretius, Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine of Hippo, Dante, Bacon, Akbar, Milton, Leibniz, Vico, Condillac, Diderot, Rousseau, Herder, Lomo-nosov, Monboddo, Renan, A. R. Wallace, Romanes, Tylor, Wundt, Jesper-sen, Sapir, Marr, Haldane, Dart, Bruner, and Chomsky, who have taken the trouble to explain why they think speculation about glottogenesis is futile”. The bib. is a mine for historians of linguistics and everyone who takes the trouble of reading it attentively from cover to cover since it contains important references to pre-1800 linguistic work mixed with often irrelevant 20th-century publications. A very detailed index of topics (812–90) increases the usefulness of the bib .]
* Hjelmslev, Louis . 1974 . Prolegomena zu einer Sprachtheorie . Transl, from the Dan. original of 1943 [ Omkring sprogteoriens grundlaeggelse ], with variants and additional bibliographical references from the 2nd rev. E. transl, by Francis J. Whitfield ( Prolegomena to a Theory of Language , Madison : Univ. of Wisconsin Press , 1961 ), by Rudi Keller, Ursula Scharf, and Georg Stöt-zel . (= Linguistische Reihe, 9 .) Munich : M. Hueber , 124 pp. Paper, DM 161 ,-. [ The “Auswahlbibliographie zu L. Hjelmslev” (123–24) is identical with the one appended by Hartmut Brand to his article, “Hjelmslevs Prolegomena”, Linguistische Berichte 30.1–17 (April 1974), on pp. 16–17 .]
. 1975 . Roman Jakobsons phänomenologischer Strukturalismus (= Suhrkamp Taschenbuch; Wissenschaft, 116 .) Frankfurt/M. : Suhr-kamp , 214 pp. Paper, DM 91 ,-. [ Fr. version, Jakobson ou le structuralisme phénoménologique, Paris: Edit. Seghers, 1975; originally a 1974-Habilitationsschrift presented to the Faculty of Arts at the Univ. of Zürich, the study attempts to delineate the influence of Husserl’s phenomenological philosophy on Jakobson’s linguistic structuralism. Cf. H’s paper, “Jakobson und Husserl: Ein Beitrag zur Genealogie des Strukturalismus”, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 35.560–607 (1973). While the book contains much useful bio-bibliographical information on Jakobson, and also interesting sketches of late 19th and early 20th century philosophical and psychological ‘trends’, the linguistic expositions must be read with a grain of salt .]
, transl. 1975 . Augustine: De Dialecta . With introd. and notes . (= Synthese Historical Library, 16 .) Dordrecht/Holland & Bos-ton/U.S.A. : D. Reidel Pub. Comp. , xii + 152 pp. Cloth, Hfl. 641 ,-. [ Bilingual edition of a treatise ascribed to Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo (396–430), based on a text established by Jan Pinborg – cf. his introd. to the next (76–81) – with the following additions: “Introduction (1–75), consisting of both an external and internal history of the work (1–42) and “A quantitative study of the authorship of De dialecta” (43–75), and, following the synoptical presentation of the Lat. text and the E. transl. (82–113), there is a brief appendix of passages (also from other contemporary works by St. Augustine and others) studied in the translator’s introd. (135–36), a bib. of primary (137–38) and secondary (138–42) sources, and both an index to the Lat. text (143–47) and the other material (148–51) .]
. 1975 . Poetik und Linguistik: Semiotische Instrumente (= UTB – Uni-Taschenbücher, 366 .) Munich : W. Fink , 194 pp. in 16°. Paper, DM 14,80 . [ The study consists of the following chaps.: ‘“Einleitung’ zur Definition [chapter heading reads: Definierung] von Gegenstand und Methode” (11–34); “Entfaltung des Poetischen – Grenzen der Linguistik” (35–135), and “Zur Verwertbarkeit der Poetik” (136–72). The work is intended as a textbook; at the end of each individual subsection, there are suggestions for further readings and exercises, further directions for their use being added in the appendix (173–80). A detailed bib. (181–89) and a bilingual (German-French) index of terms (190–94) conclude the book .]
. 1974 . Obščee jazykoznanie . [ General linguistics ]. Moscow : “Vysša Škola” , 303 pp. Cloth, 90k. [ Part I of the volume constitutes a “History of linguistics” (4–116), which begins with a brief account of the development of linguistic study from Pānini to the 18th century (6–20). There follow II, “Comparative-historical linguistics and philosophy of language (20–37); III, “Logical and psychological linguistics” (37–56); IV, “Sociology of language and neogrammatism [i.e., the ‘neogram-marian school’]” (56–78), which includes sections on the Kazan (59–65) and Moscow (65–70) ‘schools’ of linguistics, and on Saussure (70–77); V, “Linguistics of the 20th century and structuralism” (78–98), and VI, “Soviet linguistics” (99–116). The vol. concludes with a select bib. (281–89), and an index of authors (290–98) .]
, eds. 1975 . The First Lacus Forum 1974 . Columbia, South Carolina : Hornbeam Press, Inc. , xii +557 pp. [ Proceedings of the first meeting – during 18–21 August 1974 – of the Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States (LACUS). The vol. contains, inter alia, the following papers of interest to historians of linguistics: “The dilemma of contemporary linguistics” by Victor H. Yngve (1–16). “The place of generative phonology in the history of linguistics” by Fred C. C. Peng (81–119); “Revelation as linguistic revolution” by Raimo Anttila (171–76): and “A viable alternative to Chomskyan rationalism” by Uhlan V. Slagle (177–93). The vol. includes contributions by Μ. A. K. Halliday, Robert J. Di Pietro, Dwight Bolinger, Carleton T. Hodge, Saul Levin, Rogert W. Wescott, Peter A. Reich, Ladislav Zgusta, David G. Lockwood, William J. Sullivan, Sydney M. Lamb, and many others, on sociolinguistic, philosophical, psychological poetological, historical, and many others aspects of language study, in addition to problems of phonology, semantics, orthography, prosody, syntax, etc. ]
. 1975 . Studies in Functional Syntax / Etudes de syntaxe fonctionelle . (= Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik, 15 .) Munich : W. Funk , 275 pp. Paper, DM 481 ,-. [ A collection – for the most part photographically reproduced from their original places of publication – of papers written, in English or French, between 1956 and 1973. The 23 items have been arranged under the following headings: “Functional linguistics” (9–81); “The place of syntax in grammar” (82–160); “Terminology” (161–215), and “Some syntactic problems” (216–59). Summaries in either Fr. or E., together with “A bibliography of functional linguistics” (260–62), which excludes any non-Martinetian contributions to the field (including those of the Prague School), conclude the vol. (260–75). There is no index .]
Obščestvennye nauki za rubežom . [ Social sciences abroad ]. Series 6 . Jazykoz-nanie [ Linguistics ], No. 1 . Moscow : Institut Naučnoj Informaciipo Obščest-vennym Naukam, Akad. Nauk SSSR , 1975 , 307 pp. [ The vol. consists of summaries of important 1972–74 publications outside the U.S.S.R. arranged under the following headings: I, “History and present state of linguistics”; II, “General linguistics”, subdivided into: 1) Theoretical problems and individual methods; 2) Comparative-historical linguistics, language history; 3) Linguistic “Quellenwissenschaft”; 4) Sociolinguistics; 5) Psycholinguistics; 6) Applied linguistics, and 7) Semantics; III, “Language levels,” subdivided into: 1) Phonetics and phonology; 2) Grammar; 3) Lexicology and onomast-ics, and 4) Stilistics and language culture; IV, Dialectology, and V, Languages of the world. The vol. is concluded by an alphabetical index of authors and of titles of collective vols.; an index of subjects and of languages .]
Obščestvennye nauki ν SSSR . [ Social sciences in the U.S.S.R. ]. Series 6: Linguistics , Nos. 1–2 . Moscow : Inst. of Scientific Information on the Social Sciences, Acad. of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. , 1975 . 224 + 318 pp., respectively . [ Summaries of important 1974 publications in the Soviet Union arranged in the same manner as the preceding volume on foreign studies in linguistics .]
. 1974 . Sravnitel’naja grammatika indoevropejs-kix jazykov . [ Comparative grammar of Indo-European languages ]. Moscow : “Vysšaja Škola” , 410 pp. Cloth, 93k . [ After a general introd. and a characterization of the IE languages, there are chaps, on phonetics/phonology (58–137), morphology (138–67), parts of speech, namely noun (168–236), pronoun (237–56), verb (257–327), and on sentence structure (328–55), and on problems of the development and dialect membership of the proto-IE language (356–90). Bibliographical notes (391–404) and a topic index (405–08) conclude the vol. ]
. 1974 . Language, Thought, and Perception: A proposed theory of meaning . (= Janua Linguarum; series major, 98 .) The Hague & Paris : Mouton , 60 pp. in small 4°. Paper, Hfl. 151 ,-. [ The author informs me that, due to errors made at the publisher’s, the wrong set of MSS was sent to the printer, and that a revised version is in preparation .]
. 1975 . Teorija F. de Sossjura ν svete sovremennoj lingvistiki [ F. de Saussure’s theory in the light of contemporary linguistics ]. Moscow : Izd. “Nauka” , 112 pp. Paper, 36k. [ An up-to-date account of Saussurean studies, consiting of the following major chaps.: I, “Language and speech” (9–29); II, “Theory of the linguistic sign” (30–45); III, “The main components of Saussure’s theory – links between linguistic units” (46–68); IV, “Language as a system and the method of its analysis” (69–84), and V, “Four [kinds of] linguistics (synchronic and diachronic, internal and external)” (85–98). The study is concluded by a brief discussion of Saussurean philosophy of language (99–110), and a biographical note .]
, with the collaboration of Hildegard Janssen and others, comp. 1975 . Handbuch der Linguistik: Allgemeine und angewandte Sprachwissenschaft . Munich : Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung , 584 pp. in small-4°. Paper, DM 781 .–; cloth, DM 1101 –. [ This vast compilation of terminological and other important information on all possible aspects of linguistic investigation draws from material provided by specialists in the various branches of language research, including Hans Arens, Werner Betz, Norbert Dittmar, Elisabeth Gülich, Georg Heike, Karl-Hermann Körner, Gerhard Nickel, Christoph Schwarze, and Harald Weinrich. Of interest to the historian of linguistics are the following sections, and probably a number of others too: “Genfer Schule” (167–70); “Glossematik” (174–81); “Grammatik: Geschichtliche Entwicklung” (182); “Idealistische Sprachwissenschaft” (193–94); “Phonologie: Vorläufer – Phonem..” (310–12), and, in particular, “Sprachwissenschaft, Geschichte” (434–55, bib., 455–57), authored by Hans Arens, which surveys the development of western linguistics from the ancients to the present. An index of authors (575–84) concludes the vol. ]
. 1975 . Metody i principy sovremennoj lingvistiki . [ Methods and principles of modern linguistics ]. Moscow : Izd. “Nauka” , 311 pp. Cloth, 1R 42k. [ The vol. consists of two main parts, one devoted to historical linguistics and its principles of analysis (55–195), the other dealing with ‘logical principles in modern linguistics’ (196–300). In both parts Saus-sure’s work plays a significant role; his Mémoire of 1878 and his articles on Lithuanian accentuation of the 1890’s in the first (cf. pp.59–67, 82–84, 220–22), the Cours in the second (cf. pp.301–04). There is an index (305–08), but no bib. ]
. 1975 . Sprachanalyse ohne Sprache: Bemerkungen zur modernen Linguistik (= Versuche, 21 .) Stuttgart : E. Klett , 90 pp. Paper, DM 121 ,–. [ This critical essay on modern linguistics from the point of view of a philologist consists of the following chaps. [“Das Mitspracherecht des Sprachfreundes” (7–10); “Die Grammatik und die Grammatiken” (11–42); “Die Linguistik der Kommunikation” (43–59); “Textlinguistik” (60–68), and “Erkenntniskritische Distanz zwischen Subjekt und Objekt auch in der Stilforschung?” (69–89). Bibliographical references (90) .]
. 1975 . Pervaja russkaja grammatika na rodnom jazyke: Dolomonosovskij period otečestvennoj rusistiki . [ The first Russian grammar [written] in the native language: The pre-Lomonosovian period of national Russian studies ]. Moscow : Izd. “Nauka” , 233 pp. Paper, 80k. [ Critical ed. (92–127), with textual annotations (127–71), and general commentary (171–221) of Vasilij Evdokimovic Andoduroy’s (1709–80) Russian grammar of the 1730’s together with a general introd., including an account of Adodurov’s life and work (71–91), and a bib. (222–32), but no index .]
* Vogt, Joann . 1974 . The Linguistic Work of Friedrich Karl Fulda . (= J anua Linguarum; series minor, 199 .) The Hague & Paris : Mouton , 160 pp. Paper, Hfl. 321 ,–.
. 1974 . The History and Development of Tagmemics . (= Janua Linguarum; series critica, 16 ). The Hague & Mouton , 145 pp. Paper, Hfl. 241 ,–. [ The study consists of the following parts: I, “Introduction”, subdivided into an ‘Introductory preview’ (5–7), a ‘historical introduction’ (8–17), and a ‘development via scholars’ (18–24); II, “Development of Hierarchies” (27–56), which is a presentation of the languages studied on the various levels of analysis within the tagmemic framework; III, “Development of Material” (59–85), which surveys the literature listed in full in the bib. (108–40), and IV, “Development by Years” (89–107), which gives an account of the major publications and events in chronological order from 1957 to 1971. An index of authors (141–45) concludes the work, whose preface dates from Dec. 1971 .]
. 1975 . I Tkong Amwi: Descriptive Analyse eines Wardialekts des Khasi . (= Neuindische Studien, 4 ). Wiesbaden : Otto Harrassowitz , xi + 232 pp. Paper, DM 781 ,-. [ A revised and enlarged version of W’s 1971 doctoral dissertation from the Univ. of Heidelberg, this study constitutes the result of fieldwork done during 1970–71 on a fairly archaic dialect of Khasi. It consists of the following major chaps.: “Phonetik und Phonologie” (7–60); “Morphemklassen (Morphologie)” (61–144), and “Konstruktionsklassen (Syntax)” (145–208). The very careful analysis of the various levels of the language is concluded by the following addenda: Transliteration of a written text and a narrative of Amwi, together with a literal and a regular transl. into G. (209–26), a bib. (227–28), a list of the days of the week, of days on which markets are held, and of the (old) names for the months in Amwi (229), and an index of the grammatical structures (grammemes) treated in the text (230–32) .]