Publications received published In:
Historiographia Linguistica
Vol. 23:3 (1996) ► pp.455469
Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the study of language, with particular attention being given to those dealing with the history – and historiography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional instances will a separate acknowledgement of receipt be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher after it has been analyzed in this section. It should be pointed out, moreover, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in detail in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed, including those items briefly commented upon in the present section.
. 1996 . The Seeds of Speech: Language origin and evolution . Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press , xii, 281 pp. [ This popularly written book seeks to establish both why and how human language evolved. There are four main parts: in the first one, the author presents language and its problematic aspects; in the second one, the author provides an attempt to explain the origin of language; in the third one, she attempts to explain its evolution; and in the fourth, we are introduced to issues such as language diffusion and spread. References (245–267) and general index (268–281) .]
, eds. 1995 . Munus amicitiae: Siudia linguistica in honorem Witoldi Manczak septuagenarii . Krakow : Universytet Jagellionski , xxix, 224 pp. [ This Festschrift in honour of Witold Mańczak’s 70th birthday, consists of thirty-four articles, with little if any thematic unity, save a predominance of articles on Romance material. Written in several languages (15 in French, 8 in German, 4 in Italian, 2 in Spanish, 2 in English, one each in Bulgarian, Polish, and Russian). The front matter includes a full list of Mańczak’s publications down to the present (ix–xxix). No general index, merely an ‘index’ to the articles is provided (223–224), each article ending with its own listing of references .]
1996 . Indo-European and the Nostratic Hyphothesis (= Studia Nostratica, 1 .) Charleston, South Carolina : Signum , v, 265 pp. [ The book aims to show that Indo-European is not genetically isolated but, indeed, distantly related to certain other language families of northen and central Eurasia, the Indian subcontinent, and the ancient Near East. It has the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction, history of research, and methodolgy”; 2, “A survey of Nostratic languages”; 3, “A brief history of the reconstruction of the Proto-Indo-European phonological system”; 4, “A sketch of the phonological systems in the remaining Nostratic daughter languages”; 5, “Indo-European and Nostratic”, and several more, including one devoted to the ‘Nostratic Homeland’ question. Bib. (237–265); no index .]
, eds. 1996 . Linguistics in the Low Contries: The eighteenth century . Amsterdam : Stichting Neerlandistiek VU ; Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 193 pp. [ This collection makes a contribution to a new and comprehensive history of linguistic research of the 18th century, its achievements, its social and international context. Some of the articles are: “Towards a historiography of eighteenth-century Dutch linguistics” by Roland de Bonth & Jan Noordegraaf, “Huydecoper’s reception of ten Kate’s linguistic theory: A first exploration” by Gerrit H. Jongeneelen, “Barthold H. Lulofs and ‘the new rhetorics’: The influence of eighteenth-century British rhetoric in the Netherlands” by Ellen Sjoer. Indices of subjects (187–189) and of names (190–193) .]
, eds. 1995 . Voor rede vatbaar: Tien voorredes uit het grammaticale werk van Van Hoogstraten, Nylöe, Moonen, Sewel, Ten Kate, Huydecoper (17001730) . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , xiv, 192 pp. [ This volume presents ten texts written by Dutch grammarians in the first half of the 18th century, mostly dealing with the Dutch language. These are accompanied by copious footnotes and commentary. A very useful “Lijst van persone”, which here refers to historical personages and information on their careers (171–182), bib (183–187), list of illustrations (188), and a general index (189–192) .]
, eds. 1996 . Yearbook of Morphology 1995 . Dordrecht & Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers , v, 189 pp. [ The volume constitutes a selection of papers from the 6th International Morphology Meeting, Szombathely, 16–18 September 1994, organized by the Reserach Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The book focuses on an important issue in the current morphological debate: the relation between inflection and word formation: what are the criteria for their demarcation, in which ways do they interact and how is this distinction acquired by children? The papers presented here concur in rejecting the “split morphology hyphothesis” that claims that inflection and word formation belong to different components of the grammar. This volume also deals with the marked phenomenon of subtractive morphology and its theoretical implications. Book notices (185–189); no index .]
. 1990 . A Concise Grammar of the Old Frisian Dialect of the First Riustring Manuscript . (= North-Western European Language Evolution, supplement, 16 .) Odense : Odense Univ. Press , 203 pp. [ The book presents a grammatical survey of an Old Frisian dialect. The introduction is followed by parts dealing with its phonology and morphology, respectively. The back matter consists of a bib. (151–157) and a detailed general index (159–203) including a list of all forms found in the text .]
, eds. 1996 . A Science in the Making: The Regensburg symposia on European linguistic hstoriography . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 296 pp. [ The volume is a collection of papers from two symposia held on 17–18 January and 28–29 April 1994, respectively, at Regensburg University. It aims to gain more information about the state of the art and about possible future developments in the Historiography of Linguistics. The first symposium deals with the European historio-graphical scene, excluding Germany in the first instance and Eastern European countries as well. The second symposium concentrates on the research situation in Germany. Some of the contributors in this volume include: Robert Henry Robins, Jacques-Philippe Saint-Gérand, Even Hovdhaugen, Frank Vonk, and Clemens Knobloch. “Index nominum” (275296) .]
. eds. 1995 . Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Conference on Language and Gender . (= Nordlyd: Tromsø University Working Papers on Language and Linguistics, 23 .) Tromsø , vii, 320 pp. [ The book is a collection of papers presented at the second Nordic conference on language and gender held at the University of Troms0, 3–5 November 1994. This collection includes different topics varying from one another considerably. However, as the result of some sort of order and system imposed by the editors, different topics are classed under five headings: states of the art, theoretical and general papers, political language, conversations/pragmatics, and written language. No index .]
, eds. 1996 . Jan Arnos Coménius (1592–1670): Aspects culturels, philosophiques, pédagogiques et didactiques de son oeuvre. Actes du colloque international Coménius . (= Les Publications de la faculté des sciences de l’éducation, AC-010 .) Montréal : Université de Montréal , 279 pp. [ The proceedings contain twelve articles, some folllowed by commentaries, divided into four themes: Cultural, Philosophical, Pedagogical, and Didactical aspects of Comenius’ work. Contributors include, in addition to several by the first editor, Dagmar Capková, Nicolette Mout, Joseph L. Subbiondo, Aldo Scaglione, William F. Mackey. No index .]
, ed. 1995 . Ordre et désordre . (= Idéologies dans le monde anglo-saxon, 8 .) Paris , 185 pp. [ Eleven articles, having little in common with one another; only the first five of these are on the subject of linguistics, they include Charles Hockett’s article on the vascillating history of the phoneme in American linguistics, Wolfgang Viereck’s paper on dialectology, and three others on English spelling. No index .]
. 1995 . Italian Syntax and Universal Grammar . Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press . 332 pp. [ This is a collection of articles of the author’s, brought together in this one tome. Numbering ten, in addition to an introduction, they are all based on some version or other of Principles and Parameters theory. Bib (310–327), index (328–332) .]
. 1995 . An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology . 2nd ed. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell , xv, 468 pp. [ The eleven-chapter book covers various issues concerning the ways in which humans produce and hear speech. This edition is a revised and extended version of an earlier one. These include a new chapter on perception, the rearrangement of the information on anatomy and physiology, other additions and amendments at various points throughout the text, and the extention of the list of references. Appendices of phonetic symbols (422–428) and of features (429–434); general index (455–468) .]
, eds. 1996 . Fractals of Brain, Fractals of Mind . (= Advances in Consciousness Research, 7 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 359 pp. [ This collective volume is the first attempt to discuss systematically what are the possibilities to model different aspects of brain and mind functioning with the formal means of fractal geometry and deterministic chaos. The contributors elaborate on the following topics (among others): the edge-of-chaos dynamics in recursively organized neural systems and intensory interaction, the fractal time and the foundations of consciousness, self-organizing brain processing in fractal thinking, aspects of fractal neurodynamics and quantum chaos in novel biophysics, the fractal maximum-power evolution of brain and mind, etc. It is suggested that the ‘margins’ of our capacity for phenomenal experience, are ‘fractal-limit phenomena’. Here the possibilities to prove the plausibility of fractal modeling with appropriate experimentation and rational reconstruction are also discussed. A conjecture is made that the brain vs. mind differentiation becomes possible, most probably, only with the imposition of appropriate symmetry groups implementing a flowing interface of features local vs. global brain dynamics. Detailed subject index (347–359) .]
, eds. 1996 . Sprachwissenschaftsgeschichte und Sprachforschung: Ost-West-Kolloquium Berlin 1995 . Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , viii, 245 pp. [ The book prints 18 papers deriving from this colloquium on “Sprachform und Sprachformen: Humboldt, Gabelentzs, Sekiguchi”. Some are of historio-graphical interest, such as Jürgen Trabant’s (71–82) and Kenkichi Kameyama’s (83–86) on Humboldt, Brigitte Bartschat’s on Georg von der Gabelentz (87–95), Kennosuke Ezawa’s (97–103) and, especially, Kiyoaki Sato’s (213–216) on Tsugio Sekiguchi’s (1894–1958) linguistic theory, and Manfred Ringmacher’s on Sekiguchi, Anton Marty (1847–1914), and Steinthal (207–211). No index .]
. 1996 . The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writing Systems . Oxford & Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell , xxviii, 603 pp. in small-4Q . [ This impressive encyclopedia of writing systems produced by a single author is organized alphabetically, beginning with an entry on the letter a, followed by entries on ‘accent’, ‘acronym’ and ‘acrophonic principle’, and ending with “Zapotec writing”, including a sampling of Zapotec glyphs (p. 575). It carries many illustrations and extensive entries for various scripts, languages, and related themes, which are examined both synchronically and diachronically. Also included are a large number of tables presenting the various writing systems, e.g., the Armenian alphabet (p. 25), early Sumerian inscriptions (p. 99), Khmer vowel graphemes (p. 269), and the like. The historiographical comments are often rather brief (Dalgarno’s name is mispelt twice, pp. 150, 151, in entry onthe author and illustration of his ‘finger alphabet’), but at times fairly detailed and judicious (e.g., the entry on Champollion, pp. 71–72). Bib (578–603) .]
. 1996 . Language in History: Theories and Texts . London & New York : Routledge , viii, 215 pp. [ The book examines the significance of language in history from two distinct but related points of view. First, the book considers this issue from the theoretical perspective discussing the relations between language and history. The major theorists considered under this heading are Saussure and Bakhtin. Second, an attempt is made to show how language is of fundamental importance to our understanding of history by means of a number of case studies. These show readers the various ways in which language has been used in order to help to construct such historical formations as nations, classes, genders and races. The examples studied focus upon Britain and Ireland from the eighteenth century to the present. Endnotes (200–201) and general index (212–215) are provided .]
. 1996 . La linguistica dell’ Ottocento . Bologna : II Mulino , 589 pp. in-16Q . [ This book, translated (by Francesca Nassi) from English, is basically an historical overview of the origin and evolution of historical and comparative linguistics in the 19th century, with chapters on Friedrich Schlegel, Humboldt, Bopp and Grimm, Schleicher and others of his generation, notably Whitney and Steinthal, and the work of the Neogrammar-ians. Copius bib (457–559); detailed index (563–589). The English original is to appear as volume III of Giulio C. Lepschy’s 4-volume History of Linguistics (London: Longman) .]
. 1996 . Die Sprache in der Philosophie von Karl Jaspers . Tübingen & Basel : Francke Verlag , 106 pp. [ This monograph follows up on Hannah Arendt’s (1902–1991) suggestion that Jaspers’ (1883–1969) philosophy is centered on the idea of ‘unlimited communication’, and hence that language, as its medium par excellence, must play a crucial role in it. It has eight chapters, also including a discussion of other contemporary philosophies of language, notably Martin Heidegger’s (1889–1976). Bib (97–103); brief index (105–106) .]
, comps. 1995 . Sociolinguistic and Language Planning . (= Language International World Directory, 1 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xix, 530 pp. [ This directory for the first time attempts to collect and update existing data about organizations dedicated to sociolinguistics, language planning, and language promotion. The organizations are entered in international and national sections. The national section includes such institutions as local, provincial, and regional. In the international section, the criterion of inclusion is the interstate geographical coverage of each organization. Indices of official names and acronyms of organizations (484–506), of languages (507–518), and of countries (519–530) are provided .]
. eds. 1995 . History and Rationality: The Skövde papers in the historiography of linguistics . (= Acta Universitatis Skodvensis;: Series Linguistica, 1 .) Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 352 pp. [ This volume brings together a variety of different topics starting from the methodological problems of linguistic thought of Antiquity, via the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and closing in early developments of modern linguistic science. Contributors include Roberto Gusmani, Sergej A. Romaschko, Ludger Kaczmarek, Jan Noordegraaf, Andrew Robert Linn, H. Walter Schmitz, Werner Hüllen, and others. Brief editors’ introduction (7–8) and detailed index of names (335–352) .]
, eds. 1996 . Theorie und Rekonstruktion: Trierer Studien zur Geschichte der Linguistik . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 216 pp. [ This volume brings together eleven articles, most on linguistic historiography – one is in English, two in Spanish, and the remaining eight in German – presented at 9th “Internationales Kolloquium” of the Studienkeis ‘Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft’ held in Trier in 1995. Contributors include Ramón Sarmiento, Erich Poppe, Migel Angel Esparza Torres, Andreas Gardt, and Mark Atherton. Index of names (207–216) .]
. ed. 1996 . Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics VIII . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 134 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 261 pp. [ This volume is a collection of some papers presented at the Eight Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics. The volume is organized in three different perspectives: syntactic perspectives, perspectives in variations, and phonological perspectives. Brief index of subjects (259261) .]
. 1996 . English Language Scholarship: A survey and bibliography from the beginnings to the end of the nineteenth century . Binghamton, N.Y. & New York : Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies , 152 pp. [ This outline of the history of English language studies is an expanded version of an essay first published in 1990 in German, in the Sitzungsberichte of the Bavarian Academy, together with a bibliography. In this English version a number of changes has been made in text and notes, the bibliography has been brought up to date, and an index (139–152) to the bibliography has been added .]
. 1995 . Itinerari Linguistici Scritti raccolti in occasione del 60° com-pleanno . Compiled by Raffaella Bombi, Guido Cifoletti, Sara Fedalto et al. Alessandria : Edizioni Dell’Orso , xxvii, 382 pp. [ The volume brings together the bulk of Gusman’s papers published over a period of some 25 years. They are organized under headings such as “Comparazione, ricostruzione, cronologia relativa”, “Linguisticas anatolica”, “Interferenze linguistiche”, etc. An “Indice dei soggetti e delle forme” (369–382) concludes the volume .]
. 1996 . Translating by Factors . Binghamton, N.Y. : State Univ. of New York Press , xvi, 346 pp. [ The book pursues a two-fold purpose. It first aims to illustrate the factor approach with reference to a unified linguistic perspective, that is, the English and German models. Focusing on a smalll group of items, the volume points out the many and multifarious factors relèvent to the translation of that group of expressions. Secondly, the publication takes factors into account with reference to their specific role or functions. Endnotes (307–314), bib. (315–332), author (333–336) and subject index (337–346) .]
, eds. 1996 . Towards a Social Science of Language . Volume I1 : Variation and Change in Language and Society . Papers in honor of William Labov . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 127 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xviii, 436 pp. [ The 19 papers contributed by friends, colleagues, and students of Labov (b.1927) are organized under the following headings: I, “The Social Organization of Variation and Change”; II, “The Linguistic Structure of Variation and Change”, and III, “African-American Varieties of English”. Select bib. of Labov’s writings (421–427); general index (429–436) .]
, eds. 1996 . Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague n.s. . (= Prague Linguistic Circle Papers, 2 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 346 pp. [ Revives and continues the tradition of the 8-volume Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague, 1929–1939. Welcoming Foreword signed by Josef Vachek (b.1909), survivor of the original Cercle Linguistique de Prague, followed by a variet of contributions on ‘Fundamental Issues’, ‘Sentence Sructure’, ‘Discourse Patterns’, and other subjects. Of particular interest to HL readers would be Oldřich Leška’s paper, “Prague School Teachings of the Classical Period and Beyond” 9322). No index .]
, eds. 1996 . Functional Descriptions: Theory in practice . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 121 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xxxv, 381 pp. [ The ten articles in the functional-systemic framework are preceded by an introductory article by David Butt. Index (375–381) .]
1995 . The Sambandha-Samudde śa (Chapter on Relation) and Bhartrhar-i’s Philosophy of Language: A study of Bhartrhari’s Sambandha-samudde śa in the context of the V ākyapadīya, with a translation of Helārāja’ s commentary Prakīrna-prakāśa . (= Gonda Indological Studies, 2 .) Groningen/The Netherlands : Egbert Forsten , xv, 460 pp. [ This a revised version of the author’s 1992 Univ. of Utrecht dissertation, with indices added. Apart from an introduction about Bhartrhari (5th cent. B.C.) and his philosophical work Vākyapadīya, the study consists of three parts: I, discussing the place of Sambandha in some early Indian traditions and in Bhartrhari’s philosophy of language; II, providing a discussion of the third Kānda and the immediate context of the Kārikās. Finally, in an appendix, Helrāja’s commentary on the Sambandha-samudde śa is given in translation. A general index (449–453) and an index of locations (453–460) are provided .]
1996 . Back from the Brink: A study of how relic forms in languages serve as source material for analogical extension . (= LINCOM Studies in Slavic Linguistics, 1 .) München & Newcastle : Lincom Europa , vii, 215 pp. [ This book is an attempt to delve into the mechanism of historical analogy. It opens with a theoretical preliminaries of analogy and language change. Then it continues with three sections concentrating on “analogical extension of a morpheme from a closed class: the spread of athematic 1sg -m in the Slavic languages”, “analogical extension of morphemes from a defunct paradigm: the spread of old ŭ-stem endings in the Slavic languages”, and “analogical extension of morphemes from a defunct category: the spread of old dual endings in the Slavic languages” The book applies Henning Andersen’s 1973 approach to language change combined with analysis of prototypes and categorial status according to cognitive linguistics. No index .]
, ed. 1996 . Multiple Perspectives on the Historical Dimensions of Language . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 302 pp. [ A collection of twenty-three articles, either not included in the volume of selected papers from ICHoLS VI (Washington, D.C., August 1993) and published in 1995 under the main title History of Linguistics 1993 (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins) or derived (in three instances) from the March 1994 Para-Session on the History of Linguistics immediately preceding the annual Georgetown University Round Table on Language and Linguistics. They aie divided into six headings: “Perspectives on linguistic models”, followed by “Perspectives” on 17th, 18th, and 19th, language, “Regional Perspectives on Twentieth-Century Language”, and “Form Perspectives on Language”. Contributors include Cristina Altman, William Croft, the late Francis P. Dinneen, Dieter Kastovsky, Kenneth L. Pike, Roger Shuy, Peter Schmitter, and Zeinab A. Taha. Index of names (291–302) .]
, eds. 1995 . A Linguist’s Life . An English translation of Otto Jespersen’s autobiography. With notes, photos and a bibliography . Odense : Odense Univ. Press , xx, 380 pp. [ The book presents an edited transi, of Otto Jespersen’s autobiography, first published in Danish in 1938. The present publication includes a special section containing both his original illustrations and several others, all of which have been arranged chronologically. Following the editors’ introduction (vii–xii), there is a foreword by Paul Christophersen (b. 1910), Jespersen’s last collaborator (xii–xx). The volume is rounded out by a bib. (823 items) of Jespersen’s writings arranged chronologically from 1879–1943 (308–370), and a general index (371–380) .]
. 1996 . Time and Sense: Proust and the Experience of Literature . Transi, by Ross Guberman . New York : Columbia Univ. Press , xiv, 407 pp. [ This work attempts a meditation on Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past. While much of the criticism on Proust has been largely rhetorical and text based, Proust in is embarced here in his totality. Positioning it within a richly developed cultural and historical milieu, Kristeva views Remembrance of Things Past as a way of delaying death and meaning and prolonging childhood and sensation. Thus, in addition to the reassessment of Proust and his work, the book is also a commentary on how the experience of literature is manifested in time and sensation. Bib. (397–403); general index (405–407) .]
, eds. 1996 . Linguists and their Diversions: A Festschrift for R. H. Robins on his 75th birthday . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 425 pp. ; 1 portr . [ The volume unites fifteen scholarly articles on the history of the language sciences, ranging from the Carolingian grammarians to mid-20th-century functionalists. They are preceded by an appraisal of the honoree’s legacy, “R. H. Robins: The historian and his work”, by the first ed. (7–26) and a full list of his publications, 1951–1996 (27–42). Contributors include G. L. Bursill-Hall, Vivian Salmon, Paul Salmon, and E. M. Uhlenbeck, Robins’ close contemporaries, as well as Anneli Luhtala, David Cram, Robert Andrew Linn, and others from the post-WW II generations. Index nominum (407–425) .]
. 1996 . The Whorf Theory Complex: A critical reconstruction . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 81 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xix, 323 pp. [ This study, devoted to a fresh and thorough evaluation of Benjamin Lee Whorf s (1897–1941) linguistic work, is divided into six chapters: 1, “Introduction and overview”; 2, “Linguistic thinking: Points, pattern, linkage, and rapport”; 3, “The logic and development of the Linguistic Relativity Principle”; 4, “Of covert categories, cryptotypes, and the internalized linguistic system”; 5, “Abstractive processes and the question of universals”, and “Metalinguistics: The intercalibration of agreement through language awareness”. Detailed bib (281–300); indexes of names (301–304) and of subjects (305–323) .]
. 1996 . The Languages of the “Frst Nations” : Comparison of native American languages from an ethnolinguistic perspective . Munich : LINCOM EUROPA , vi, 154 pp. [ This is a revised translation by the author of a book originally published in German in 1991, itself based on his thesis, and which is now out of print. It is divided into eight chapters, the first three of which present an overview of the history of the classification of Native American languages, both genetic and typological. Chapters four and five examine the controversies surrounding the genetic classification of Native American languages more closely; chapter six examines areal studies, chapter seven lexical diffusion, and chapter eight typological comparison. Bib. (137–150). Language index (151–154) .]
, eds. 1995 . Mutualities in Dialogue . Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press , xvii, 282 pp. [ The book addresses the question: what is it that we share in the course of a dialogue? The contributors, from different disciplines, i.e., from primatology to social psychology to linguitics and communication studies all argue that culture, mutualities of language, and some interpersonal knowledge are prerequisites for effective communication. The focus of the book is on the dyad rather than on the interacting individuals,, it is influenced by approaches such as dialogism, the phenomenology of perspective-setting and perspective-taking, interactionism and exchange theory. An introduction outlines the theoretical underpinnings of the volume and is followed by four sets of chapters on mutualities in preverbal and nonverbal communication, establishing and maintaining mutuality, problems of mutuality and understanding, and dialogues with speech-impaired partners. Indices of subject (275–279) and of author (280–282) .]
. 1996 . Corpus Linguistics . Edinburgh : Edinburgh Univ. Press , x, 209 pp. [ This is a course-book for the teaching of corpus-based approaches to language and linguistics. Divided into seven chapters, followed by a glossary and three appendices. The authors examine how corpus linguistics are to be defined, what a linguistic corpus is and what kind of data is found therein, the use of corpora in the formal study of language, and concludes on the future prospects of corpus linguistics. Bib. (197–206); general index (207–209) .]
. 1995 . August Hermann Niemeyer: Sein Leben und Wirken (Zum Gedächtnis des 100-jährigen Todestages) . Halle/Saale : Verlag der Franckeschen Stiftungen ; Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , xi, 135 pp. [ Re-issue of a biography of the founder of the well-known publishing company, which after Word War II had lost its original home, regaining it only after the fall of communism in former Eastern Germany. “Personenverzeichnis” (132–135) .]
, ed. 1996 . Vernakuläre Wissenschaft: Christian Wolffs Bedeutung für die Herausbildung und Durchsetzung des Deutschen als Wissenschaftssprache . (= Reihe Germanististische Linguistik, 166 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , ix, 279 pp. [ A collection of papers celebrating the work of the Leipzig philosopher Christian Wolff (1679–1754) and its impact on the use of German as a scientific language replacing Latin .]
. Language, Action, and Context: The early history of pragmatics in Europe and America, 1780–1930 . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 80 .) Amsterdan & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xii, 497 pp. [ This large book is the culmination of a long-term research project on which the authors had embarked a number of years ago. It opens with an introduction addressing the question “Is there a history of pragmatics” and a Conclusion summarising the insights gained from these earlier works in the field (375–376). The subsequent sections deals with such topics as Locke’s semiotic philosophy, “Protopragmatics in Germany: pragmatics as a part of a Romantic philosophy of language”; “Protopragmatics in France: pragmatics as a part of an ‘ideological’ theory of language and thought”, “Protopragmatics in England: pragmatics as a part of a commen-sense theory of the mind”, “Pragmatism and behaviourism in America”, “Realist and idealist approaches to language use” and several more. An impressive list of primary (433–467) and secondary sources (467–488); general index (489–497) .]
, eds. 1996 . The Origins and Development of Emigrant Languages: Proceedings from the Second Rasmus Rask Colloquium, Odense University, November 1994 . Odense : Odense Univ. Press , xi, 318 pp. [ This volume brings together 16 papers on various transplanted languages, mostly varieties of English, languages implanted on the British Isles, or transplanted Germanic varieties (e.g., Afrikaans). Contributors include Douglas A. Kibbee, Jaap van Marie, Manfred Güorlach, Michael Barns, Yves-Charles Morin, Roger Wright, and Juan Hernando Cárdenas (the latter on “L’Espagnol du Chili et la thèse indigéniste de Rodolfe [alias Rudolf] Lenz [(18631935)]”). No index .]
. 1996 . Criolisches Wörterbuch: Erster zu vermehrender und wo nöthig zu verbessernder Versuch [1767/68] . Herausgegeben, eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Peter Stein . And “ das anonyme, Johann Christopher Kørbiotz Thomsen Kingo (J. C. Kingo) zugeschriebeneVestindisk Glossarium : Herausgegeben, eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Hein van der Voort . (= Lexicographie a, Series major, 69 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , ix, 193 pp. [ As we may gather from the editor’s introduction to the first item, CG.A. Oldendorp (1721–1787), a Moravian or Herrnhut (so called after the castle in Saxony of the Count Nikolaus von Zinsendorf) missionary, produced the first German-‘Negerhollands’ [i.e., Dutch Creole] dictionary during his 17-month sojourn on St. Thomas, the Danish Virgin Islands, 1767–68. The text is published here (39–154) for the first time. As an appendix a fairly short Danish [with German equivalents added by the editor] – Dutch creole glossary has been added (167–177), followed by facsimiles of certain pages and an alphabetical list of all the entries. No index, but summaries in both English and French of the main text have been provided .]
. 1996 . The Romance Languages . Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press , xvii, 376 pp. [ This book, the latest of the Cambridge language surveys, is a presentation of the Romance languages as a whole, with a good deal of data from non-standard varieites. It is divided into three parts: a long introduction, a section on the common traits of Romance languages, and a final section on the divergent traits of Romance languages. Bib. (346355); indexes of names (356–358), of languages (359–366), and of subjects (367–376) .]
, ed. 1996 . Historiafia lingüistica valenciana . València : Universitat de Valencia , 154 pp. in-16e . [ This booklet is a collection of ten essays, derived from a colloquium held in Valencia, Spain, in Dec. 1992, all touching upon themes concerning the history of linguistics and the place of Valencia in it, both in ancient and modern times. Among the contributors are: Jesús Tuson, Ángel Lopez, Emilio Ridruejo, and Margarita Lliteras. Bib. (143–152); no index .]
. 1995 .  »Von dem Schlüssel aller Künsten!nemblich der Grammatica« : Deutsch im lateinischen Grammatikunterricht 1480–1560 . (= Basler Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur, 70 .) Tübingen & Basel : Francke , 424 pp. [ Revised version of the author’s 1992 Univ. of Basel dissertation (Rüdiger Schnell, supervisor), the study analyzes the use of the German vernacular in the teaching of Latin during the Renaissance. As particular cases the following three works received particular attention: Florenz Diel’s (fl.14901509) Etymologis preclara donati (1490) and Grammatica initialis (1509); Georg Agrico-la’s (1494–1555) Libellus de prima ac simplici institutione grammatica (1520), and Marcus Crodelius’ (fl. 1540–52) Institutions latinogermanicae (1540). Detailed bib. of primary (338–398) and secondary (399–424) sources. No index .]
, eds. 1995 . Le Français au Maghreb: Actes du Colloque d’ Aix-en-Provence – Septembre 1994 . Aix-en-Provence : Publications de l’Université Provence , 270 pp. [ The book brings together some 20 papers devoted to various aspects of contact with French and influence (e.g., borrowing of various kinds) upon Arabic-speaking countries in North Africa. It concludes with a collective bib. (223–270) of several hundred entries .]
. 1996 . Organismus der Sprachidee: H. Steinthals Weg von Humboldt zu Humboldt . Paderborn & München : Ferdinand Schöningh , ix, 238 pp. [ This study is a fresh attempt to understand Heymann Steinthal’s work as a general linguist, notably his life-long struggle with the work of Wilhelm von Humboldt whose ideas he always wanted to improve upon. In individual chapters the author deals with the place of Steinthal in the annals of linguistics, his ever changing interpretations of Humboldt, and, in particular, his attempts to define his own terms. The brief conclusion (198–213) discusses his legacy. The list of Steinthal’s writings (215–217) is followed by a general bib. (218–234) by indexes of names, languages, and subjects (235–238). – Cf. also the article by Donatella Di Cesare, ‘Innere Sprachform’: Humboldts Grenzbegriff, Steinthals Begriffsgrenze” (in the present HL issue, pp. 321–346 above) for a succinct appraisal of Steinthal’s legacy .]
, ed. 1994 . Wilhelm von Humboldt , Mexicanische Grammatik . (= Wilhelm von Humboldt, Schriften zur Sprachwissenschaft; 3. Abteilung: Amerikanische Sprachen, 2 .) Paderborn & München : Ferdinand Schöningh , vii, 343 pp. ; illustr . [ Critical ed. of Humboldt’s unpublished grammar of Nahuatl (83–218), interest in which goes back to 1805, based on two manuscripts housed in the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin. Its relative completeness should have dispelled the traditional view of Humboldt as a philosopher of language in contrast to that of a linguist. But apart from excerpts published at the beginning of this century, very few scholars were aware of the extent of Humboldt’s empirical interests in and work on grammatical detail. The present edition, introduced copiously and with much circumspection by the editor (1–73, bib., 74–79), should help in the endeavour to set the record straight. The remainder of the volume reprints the text of Humboldt’s “Versuch einer Analyse der Mexicanischen Sprache” as published the Gesammelte Schriften IV.233–284, plus extensions, in German translation, taken from Humboldt’s 1812 paper, “Essai sur les langues du nouveau Continent”, previously published ibid. III.300–341 (219–262) and incidental texts, glossaries, correspondence and copies from grammars related to H’s study of Nahuatl (363–307). Ringmacher’s research identifies the Mexican Jesuit historian Francisco Xavier Clavigero as the author of a grammar which was Humboldt’s main source. Indexes of persons & texts (311–313) and of subjects and terms (313–341) .]
, ed. 1996 . Theoretical Linguistics and Grammatical Description: Papers in honour of Hans-Heinrich Lieb . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 375 pp. ; 1 portr . [ Most of the 25 articles, published in honour of Hans-Heinrich Lieb on the occasion of his 60th birthday, are related in some fashion or other to the New Structuralism. This first two contributions detail Lieb’s career and provide his bib., 1964–1995 (3–11). All but three articles (by Dietrich Hartmann, Elmar Seebold, and Hansjakob Seiler, which are in German) in English. They include cotributions by Jerzy Bańczerowski, Renate Bartsch, Philip Carrr, Bernard Comrie, Hartmut Haberland, Roger Lass, Helmut Schnelle, and Petr Sgall. Index of names (361–366); index of subjects & terms (367–375) .]
, 1996 . Language and Society in Early Modern England. Selected essays 1981–1994 . Selected and by Konrad Koerner . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 276 pp. [ These twelve articles, all on the subject of linguistic historiography in the British Isles, are classified according to the following themes: I, “Surveys of 16th and 17th Century Linguistic Scholarship”; II. “On Universal and Individual Traits of Language”, and III, “Language Learning and Language Instruction”. An appendix provides a continuation – from Salmon’s 1979 book, The Study of Language in 17th-century England (2nd ed., Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1988, pp. 207–213) – of a list of the author’s publications, 1988–1996 (261–266). An “Index of Personal Names [cum life-dates]” (267–272), and “Index of Subjects, Terms and Languages” (273–276) round out the volume .]
. 1995 . Phonétique: 11 manoscritto di Harvard Houghton Library bMS Fr 266 (8) . Ed. by Maria Pia Marchese . (= Quaderni del Dipartimento di linguistica, Université di Firenze; Studi, 3 .) Padova : Unipress , xxvi, 241 pp. [ A critical ed. (1–232) from MS S of Saussure’s teachings on phonetics at the École des Hautes Études in Paris during the 1880s (which, together with many others, had been sold, in 1968, by Saussure’s sons Raymond and Jacques to the Houghton Library of Harvard Univ. for $2,000). The ed. is preceded by an informative introduction (viii–xxvi) which provides the background to Saussure’s endeavours at the time. Index of authors and works directly cited by Saussure (235–236) and general index (237–241). Tables reproducing various graphic attempts of Saussure’s to illustrate phonetic changes (7 unpaginated pages) are appended at the end .]
, ed. 1996 . Sprachtheorien der Neuzeit II: Von der Grammaire de Port-Royal (1660) zur Konstitution moderner linguistischer Disziplinen . (= Geschichte der Sprachtheorie, 5 .) Tübingen : Gunter Narr , xi, 487 pp. [ This volume in an on-going project, whose first one appeared in 1987, consists of two main parts; I, “Philosophische, Vergleichende und Historische Grammatik”, with chapters treating philosophical, comparative, and historical grammar traditions from the late 17th to the late 19th century contributed by Marc Dominicy, Bernd Naumann, Rüdiger Schreyer, Jan Noordegraaf, Pierre Swiggers & Piet Desmet, Kurt Jankowsky, and Eveline Einhauser. Part II is entitledd “Die Konstitution ‘moderner’ linguistischer Disziplinen” and carries contributions such as “Die Anfange der Phonologie” by Joachim Gessinger; “Syntaxtheoretische Ansätze in französischen und deutschen Grammatiken des 16. bis 19. Jahrhunderts” by Barbara Kaitz; “Semantics in the 19th Century” by Brigitte Neriich; “Dialektologie und Sprachgeographie vom 13. bis 20. Jahrhundert: by Iwar Werlen, and – though only promised for a later volume in the 9-tome Geschichte der Sprachtheorie because of time-constraints (see editor’s note on p. 478) – “Language Typology: From Humboldt to [Georg von der] Gabelentz” by László Dezsö. There is a detailed and very informative “Personenregister” (479–487), but unfortunately no index of subjects & terms .]
, ed. 1995 . Une familière étrangeté: La linguistique russe et soviétique . (= Histoire Epistémologie Langage, XVII:2 ). Paris : Presses Universitaires de Vincennes , 255 pp. [ Eleven articles on the subject of Russian and Soviet linguistics, predominantly dealing with authors and theories of the late 19th and early 20th century; with an introduction on the subject, co-authored with Natalija Bokadorova, by the editor, who is also the author of one of the articles. From the contents: “Le temps dans les grammaires générales russes [dating from between 1806 and 1812]” by Sylvie Archaimbault & Jean-Marie Fournier; “A. A. Potebnja [(1835–1891)], figure de la linguistique russe du XIXe siècle” by Jacqueline Fontaine; “Nikolaj Feofanovič Jakovlev (1892–1974)” by Fëdor Dmitrievič Ašnin & Vladimir Maixajlovič Alpatov. No index ]
, ed. 1996 . N. S. Troubetzkoy , L’Europe et Vhumanité. Écrits linguistiques et paralinguistiques . Liège : Pierre Mardaga , 245 pp. [ A grouping of several of Trubetzkoy’s (1895–1938) writings on largely non-linguistic matters written in exile during the early 1920s in French translation, with a long introduction by the editor on the subject of Trubetzkoy’s thought and intellectual roots, “N. S. Troubetzkoy, linguiste ou historiosophe des totalités organiques?” (5–35) and ending with a bib. of Trubetzkoy’s writings (231240) and a general index (241–245) .]
, ed. 1995 . Kuryiowicz Memorial Volume: Part one . Cracow : Cracow University , xlvii, 589 pp. [ This is a collection of articles published on the centenary of Jerzy Kurylowicz’s (1895–1978) birth. They are grouped according to one of thirteen themes: (1) General and methodological issues (eight articles); (2) Indo-European (nine articles); (3) Hittite (four articles); (4) Tocharian (two articles); (5) Indo-Iranian (seven articles); (6) Armenian (two articles); (7) Greek (seven articles); (8) Albanian (one article); (9) Latin (three articles); (10) Celtic (five articles); (11) Germanic (six articles); (12) Semitic (three articles), and (13) Turkic (one article). The contributions are written in English, German, French, Russian, and Italian.Word index (561–575); name index (577–589) .]
, general ed. ( with James Kerr as English-Language Editor ). 1996 . Lexicon Grammaticorum: Who’s who in the history of world linguistics . Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , xxvii, 1047 pp. [ This voluminous reference work presents some 1500 succinct biographical entries of all major and a number of minor figures in the history of linguistics, along with an examination of their particular contributions to the language sciences. The front matter, next to the general ed.’s Preface acknowledging the help received from co-editors from many European countries (which included Kees Versteegh, Paul B. Salmon, Ramón Sarmiento Jan Noordegraaf, Rruno Lewin, Donatella Di Cesare, and others) and many other contributors, also includes an impressive list of the authors (some 300 and more) and an index to “Periodicals and Reference Works” referred to and sigle used in the individual entries (xi–xxiii); there’s no subject or any other index at the end of the volume. The size of entries ranges from more than a full page (e.g., Bernhardi’s on pp. 96–97) to barely 15 lines (e.g., Madson’s on p. 599), suggesting that the size of contributions does not necessarily reflect the importance a particular scholar in the history of linguistics but at times on the author writing the entry. Indeed, some may find entries like Eric P. Hamp’s 12 lines (of 1 column) on Helge Kökeritz (1902–1964) for instance somewhat disap-pointung. However, those minor blemishes cannot detract from the great joint achievement by these hundreds of contributors in this important research tool which will not be matched by any comparable work for many years to come .]
1996 . The Metamorphosis of English: Versions of other languages . Westport, Connecticut : Bergin & Garvey , xii, 143 pp. [ The book attempts to show the ways in which English presents or reflects other languages. It also indicates how English is acquired and transformed by other languages with which it comes into contact. Bib (137139) and general index (141–143) .]
, ed. 1996 . Two Hundred Years of Lindley Murray . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 240 pp. [ This consists of articles, plus an introduction by the editor on the thread linking all those articles together, in one form or another, to the American lawyer and scholar Lindley Murray (1747–1826), whose English Grammar, first published in 1795, was extremely influential (judging by the fact that the work had some 65 British editions, not counting the many American ones, have been published). Following the very informative Introduction by the ed., “Two Hundred Years of Lindley Murray” (9–25), there are papers by various Anglicists, many of them well-known (such as N. E. Ossselton, Emma Vorlat, and Xavier Dekeyser) dealing with various aspect’s of Murray’s work. (Only one contribution is out of place.) The volume is rounded out by a detailed bib. of Lindley Murray’s work and its reception in the study of English (217–229) and an “Index nominum” providing life-dates of many scholars (231–240) .]
. 1996 . Common and Comparative Slavic: Phonology and inflection (with special attention to Russian, Polish, Czech, Sebro-Croation, Bulgarian) . Columbus, Ohio : Slavica Publishers , 310 pp. [ The book is divided into ten chapters and follows two general purposes. The first is to introduce learners to the fundamentals and important details of Common Slavic phonology and inflectional morphology. The second is to familiarize users with the most important aspects of comparative Slavic phonology and inflection by providing material from modern Slavic languages. Though general statements are made about and examples are cited from all Slavic languages, the focus of the book is on five modern Slavic languages: Russion, Polish, Czech, Sebro-Croa-tian and Bulgarian. No index .]
, ed. & chief comp. 1996 . Bibliotheca Grammaticorum: Bibliography of Grammatical Writings / Bibliographie des écrits grammaticaux . Lewiston, N.Y.-Queen-ston, Ontario, Canada-Lampeter, Dyfed, United Kingdom : The Edwin Mellen Press , 71 vols. in 15 books [projected] . [ This is a massive undertaking which could be realized only in our computer age only. Most of the material (60%) that appears in Bibliotheca Grammaticorum: is found in the enormous collection of Dossiers bibliographiques accumulated over forty years of constant work and dedication by the Rev. Father Rodrigue LaRue of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada. Part of the material (40%) was found in the specialized collections of the most important National Libraries: those of London, Paris, Munich, Florence, and Washington, D.C. – Volume 1, Book 1: Antiquity/L’antiquité (circa 2000 ante Christum – circa 200 ante Christum), iv, 697 pp., contains four parts, dealing with the grammatical writings in Antiquity, Antiquity in computerized data, chronological tables of Antiquity and the bibliography. The chronology of Antiquity extends more or less from the 20th century BC to the 2nd century BC. The first record printed hereafter is dated from the 30th century BC in the Greek pre-historic period, and it extends to Stilo Aelius, 150 BC. But works, essays and commentaries on the same period have been published right down to modern times. Dates follows a chronological order of presentation, starting with the century in which the author lived or the century to which the grammatical event refers, in the case of undated materials, records have been printed as incomplete and they appear at the very end, after the dated materials, in volume two. – Volume II, Book 1: The Classical Period/L’époque classique, ix, 670 pp., begins with grammatical writings in the classical period, evolving with the transition from Greece to Rome, Latin grammar, and the grammar curriculum. The volume continues with the classical period in computerized data chronological tables of the classical period, and the bibliography. The chronology of classical period – the Golden Age – extends more or less from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD. The grammatical records for that period, in fact, begins with Dionysius Thrax and extend to Suetonius Tranquillus. But works, essays, and commentaries on the same period have been published right down to modern times. Dates follow a chronological order of presentation. Volume III, Book 1: Roman Decadence/Declin de Rome, ix, 537 pp., involves with some issues as the decline of the Roman Empire and the ‘decandence’ of the language, records of the grammatical transformations, and the fifth century: the end of the Empire. It continues with the Roman de-candennce in computerized data, chronological tables of the Romance decadence, and the Bibliography. The chronology of the decadent period – the Silver Age – extends more or less from the 2nd century AD to the end of the 5th century. The grammatical records for that period begin with Remmius Palaemon and extends to the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West. – Volume IV, Book 1: The Middle Ages/Le Moyen Âge, ix, 703 pp., includes the grammatical writing in the Middle Ages, the Middle Ages in computerized data, chronological tables of the Middle Ages, and the Bibliography. The chronology of the Middle Ages extends more or less from the 5th century AD to the end of the 15th century, or in other terms, from the fall of the Roman Empire in the West to the fall of the Roman Empire in the East. Dates follow a chronological order of presentation. – Volume V, Book 1: The Renaissance / La Renaissance, x, 436 pp., covers the grammatical writings concerning the Renaissance, which, in this bib., at least, extends roughly from the mid-15th to the late 18th century. – Volume VI, Books 1–3, have not yet been received at the closing time of this section. – Volume VII, Book 1: Index of titles (ca. 2000 ante Chris-tum-ca.1990 post Christum), xi, 659 pp., has a detailed and informative introduction (182), divided up into sections like 1, “Grammatical Writings in Antiquity”, 2, “Grammatical Writings during the Classical Period”, etc. so as to parallel the separate volumes of the undertaking. Volume VII, Book 2: Index of Authors (ca.2000 ante Christum-ca.1990 post Christum), x, 460 pp., concludes this impressive undertaking. – This bib. also exists as a computerized database, available from S IB AC (Service international de Bibliographie en Antiquité classique), P. O. Box. 500, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Riv-ières, Québec, Canada G9A 5H7, but it it is obvious that every research library in the world would want to acquire the printed set .]
, ed. 1996 . Grammatical Theory and Romance Languages: Selected papers from the 25th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL XXV) Seattle, 2–4 March 1995 . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 133 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vi, 330 pp. [ The volume contains 25 papers that deal with various issues relating to phonology, morphology, and syntax. The contributions are organized in alphabetical order by authors. Contributors include: Galia Alexandrova, James Harris, Bernard Tranel, and Paola Crisrna, among others. Indices of terms and concepts (323–328) and of languages and language families (329–330) .]
. 1996 . Haitian Immigrants in Black America: A sociological and sociolinguis-tic portrait . Westport & Connecticut : Bergin & Garvey , xvi, 180 pp. [ The book aims to consider the sociological as well as the sociolinguistic dimensions of Haitian immigrants to the United States. Although the work is written by a Haitian, the author has seriously attempted to strive for objectivity. Appendix of interview questions (162–163) and general index (177–180) are provided .]
Last-minute entry
, eds. 1996 . Lucien Tesnière: Syntaxe structurale et opérations mentales: Akten des deutsch-französischen Kolloquiums anläßlich der 100. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages, Strasbourg 1993 . (= Linguistiche Arbeiten, 348 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , xxi, 312 pp. ; 2 portr , [ Following Jean Fourquet’s (b. 1899!), the editor of Tesnière’s (1893–1954) Éléments de syntaxe structurale (Paris, 1959; 2nd ed., 1966), testimony, “Ce que je dois à Lucien Tesnière” (1–5), there follow a series of articles by scholars who have continued much of their research along Tesnierian lines of dependency and valence grammar, e.g., Gerhard Heibig, “Zur Rezeption und Weiterentwicklung des Tesnièreschen Valenzkonzepts”; Hans Jürgen Heringer, “Empirie und Intuition bei Tesnière”; Heinz Vater, “VP-Struktur und Verbvalenz im Deutschen”; the late Klaus Heger (1927–1993), “Zum Problem der Gegenüberstellung von ‘actants’ und ‘circon-stants’”, and others. No index .]