Italian linguistic thought of the 14th to the 16th centuries
English summary of a monograph
References (11)
1 Note that the tradition of Italian lexicography has not been treated in the present study for the simple reason that a work on the subject had just been published in Russia about the time when the present book was going to be completed. I am referring to Aleksandr Lobodanov, Istorija rannej Ital’janskoj lexikografii [History of early Italian lexicography](Moscow: MALP, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet, 1998), 509 pp.
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La Letteratura Italiana: Storia e testi, 5:2), 3–240. Milano & Napoli: Ricciardi.
Guarini Veronese, Guarino. 1591. Guarini Veronensis […] Regulae grammatices; nunc denuo recognitae, et summa, ac diligenti cura excusae et emendatae; quibus adiecimus in fine Alphabetum graecum. Ferrara: apud Benedictum Mammerellum. [24 f. in 8º].
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Perotti, Niccolò. 1474. Perottus Nicolaus Rudimenta grammatices. Vinegia: Jacobis Brittanicus. IV1 Non. Nov. (10 XI1), 1474 (109 f. in 4º) [Signature: Library of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 416].
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Vinay, Gustavo. 1962. “La teoria linguistica del De Vulgari Eloquentia
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