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Andreeva, L. S. 2002. “Naučnoe nasledie N. V. Kruševskogo v kommentarijax V. A. Bogorodickogo [The scientific legacy of Mikołaj Kruszewski in the commentaries of V. A. Bogorodickij]”. Galiullin & Nikolaev, eds. 2002b.42–47.
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 1868. “Einige Fälle der Wirkung der Analogie in der polnischen Declination”. Beiträge zur vergleichenden Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der arischen, celtischen und slavischen Sprachen 61.19–88. (Polish translation, with restored original preface, in Baudouin 1904.176–248.)
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 1875. Opyt fonetiki rez’janskix govorov [An attempt at a phonetics of the Resia dialects]. Warsaw: E. Wende.
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 1876. “Programma čtenij v 1875–1876 akademičeskom godu [The program of lectures in the academic year 1875–1876]”. Izvestija imperatorskogo Kazanskogo Universiteta 12:1.191–195.
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 1877–1878. “Podrobnaja programma lekcij v 1876–77 godu [The detailed program of lectures in the year 1876–77]”. Izvestija imperatorskogo Kazanskogo Universiteta 13.309–324; 14:1.61–133.
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 1879–1881. “Podrobnaja programma lekcij v 1877–78 godu [The detailed program of lectures in the year 1877–78]”. Izvestija imperatorskogo Kazanskogo Universiteta 16:2.350–380; 16:6.445–492; 17:6.370–480; 18:1.481–612.
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 1888–1889. “Mikołaj Kruszewski, jego zycie i prace naukowe [Mikołaj Kruszewski, his life and scientific works]”. Prace filologiczne 2:3.837–849, 3:1.116–175. (Repr. in Baudouin 1904; transl. in Baudouin 2005.)
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 1901. “Językoznawstwo czyli lingwistyka w wieku XIX-ym [Linguistics in the 19th century]”. Prawda 1901, No. 1. (Repr. in Baudouin 1904.1–23).
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 1903. “Lingvističeskije zametki i aforizmy: Po povodu novejšix lingvističeskix trudov V. A. Bogorodickogo [Linguistic sketches and aphorisms: On the occasion of V. A. Bogorodickij’s new linguistic writings”. Žurnal Ministertva Narodnogo Prosveščenija No. 3461.279–334; No.3471.1–37. (Abridged version in Baudouin 1963.33–55.)
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 1904. Szkice językoznawcze [Linguistic sketches]. Warszawa: Piotr Laskauer.
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 1910. “O ‘prawach głosowych’ [On ‘sound laws’]”. Rocznik slawistyczny 31.1–72. (Repr. in Baudouin 1990.410–471).
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan (= Ivan Aleksandrovič Boduen de Kurtènè). 1963. I. A. Boduen de Kurtene: Izbrannye trudy po oščcemu jazykoznaniju [Selected works in general linguistics]. Vol. II1. Ed. by V. P. Grigor’ev & Aleksej A. Leont’ev. Moskva: Izd. Akademia Nauk.
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 1990. Dzieła wybrane [Selected works]. Vol. IV1. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 2002. Listy z lat 1870–1927 [Letters from the years 1870–1927.] Edited by Edward Stachurski. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej (=
Prace Monograficzne nr 351.)
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan. 2005. Mikołaj Kruszewski, his life & scholarly work. Translated by Wayles Browne and edited by Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak & Magdalena Smoczyńska. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka.
Berezin, Fedor M[ixajlovič]. 1977 [1973]. Xrestomatija po istorii russkogo jazykoznanija [A reader in the history of Russian linguistics]. 2nd ed. Moskva: Izd. Vysšaja Škola.
Berezin, Fedor M[ixajlovič]. 2001. “Mikołaj Kruszewski and 20th-Century Linguistics”. Koerner & Szwedek, eds. 2001.209–231.
Boduen de Kurtene i sovremennaja lingvistika [Baudouin de Courtenay and contemporary linguistics.] Program of the international conference “Boduenovskie čtenija” [“Baudouin readings”] held in Kazan, 11–13 December 2001.
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1880. “Glasnye bez udarenija v russkom jazyke” [“Unstressed vowels in the Russian language”]. Russkij Filologičeskij Vestnik 1880, vol. IV1, No. 3–4.
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1884. Glassnye bez udarenija v obščerusskom jazyke [Unstressed vowels in the general Russian language]. Master’s thesis, Kazan University.
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1884–1885. “O prepodavanii russkogo jazyka v Kazanskoj tatarskoj učitel’skoj škole” Russkij filologičeskij vestnik 1884, Vol. XII, No. 2, p. 26–35; Vol. XII, No. 4, pp. 1–6; 1885, Vol. XIV, No. 3, pp. 1–10. (Separate reprint. 2nd ed., Kazan 1899; 3rd ed. O prepodavanii russkoj grammatiki v tatarskoj škole, Kazan 1921; 4th ed., Kazan: Tatocizdat, 1935; 5th rev. ed., Kazan: Tatgosizdat, 1951.)
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1887. Kurs grammatiki russkogo jazyka. Čast’ 1-aja. Fonetika [A Course of Russian Grammar. Part I: Phonetics]. Warsaw. Part II was published in Russkij Filologičeskij Vestnik, 1892 (according to [URL], accessed on 14 August 2006).
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1891. Introduction to Kruszewski (1891–1894). Russkij filologičeskij vestnik 1891:2.248–252.
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1901. Očerki po jazykovedeniju i russkomu jazyku [Sketches in linguistics and the Russian language]. 1st ed. Kazan. (2nd rev. ed. Kazan 1909; 3rd rev. ed. Kazan 1910; 4th rev. ed. Moskva: Učpedgiz, 1939.)
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1904. Obščij kurs russkoj grammatiki (Iz universitetskix ctenij) [A general course in Russian grammar (From university lectures)]. Kazan. (2nd rev. ed., Kazan 1907; 3rd rev. ed., Kazan 1911; 4th rev. ed., Kazan, 1913; 5th rev. ed., Moskva & Leningrad: Socekgiz, 1935.)
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1907/1913. Lekcii po obščemu jazykovedeniju. [Lectures in general linguistics]. Kazan: Lithographed. (2nd rev. ed., Kazan, 1915.)
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1917. Kurs eksperimental’noj fonetiki [A course in experimental phonetics]. Kazan.
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1930. Fonetika russkogo jazyka v svete eksperimetal’nyx dannyx [Phonetics of the Russian language in the light of experimental data]. Kazan.
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1933. Etjudy po tatarskomu jazykoznaniju [Studies in Tatar and Turkic linguistics]. Kazan: Tatizdat.
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1934. Vvedenie v tatarskoe jazykoznaie v svjazi s drugimi tjurkskimi jazykami [Introduction to Tatar linguistics in connection with other languages]. Kazan: Tatgosizdat (2nd rev. ed., Kazan: Tatgosizdat, 1953.)
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1935. O naučnyx zadačax tatarskogo jazykoznanija [On the scientific aims of Tatar linguistics]. Kazan.
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. 1939. “Kazanskaja lingvističeskaja škola (1875–1939 gg.) [The Kazan linguistic school (1875–1939)]”. Trudy Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Instituta Istorii, Filosofii i Literatury 51.265–294.
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič. n.d. Archive f. 898, Akademija Nauk. St. Petersburg. [Includes Kruszewski’s manuscripts; razr. 6, op. 62.]
“Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič”. Internet article in Mir Imen [The World of Names], [URL]. (Accessed on 14 August 2006.)
Galiullin, K. R. & G. A. Nikolaev, eds. 2001. Boduenovskie čtenija: Trudy i materialy. Volume I and II. Materials from the international conference “Boduenovskie čtenija” [“Baudouin readings”] held in Kazan, 11–13 December 2001, on the theme “Baudouin de Courtenay and contemporary linguistics”. Kazan: Izdatel’stvo Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta.
Galiullin, K. R. & G. A. Nikolaev, eds. 2002a. Boduen de Kurtene i sovremennaja lingvistika [Baudouin de Courtenay and contemporary linguistics]. Materials from the international conference “Boduenovskie čtenija” [“Baudouin readings”] held in Kazan, 11–13 December 2001. = Učenye zapiski Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, vol. 1431.
Galiullin, K. R. & G. A. Nikolaev, eds. 2002b. Nikolaj Kruševskij: naučnoe nasledie i sovremennost’ [Mikołaj Kruszewski: his scientific heritage and contemporary linguistics]. Materials from the international conference “Boduenovskie čtenija” [“Baudouin readings”] held in Kazan, 11–13 December 2001, from the section “Nikolaj Kruševskij: žizn’ i naučnoe tvorčestvo (k 150-letiju so dnja roždenija)” [“Mikołaj Kruszewski: Life and scientific work (on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth)”.] Kazan: ZAO “Novoe znanie”.
Galiullin, K. R. & G. A. Nikolaev, eds. 2003. II Meždunarodnye Boduenovskie čtenija: Trudy i materialy. Volume I and II. Materials from the international conference “Boduenovskie čtenija” [“Baudouin readings”] held in Kazan, 11–13 December 2003, on the theme “Kazanskaja lingvističeskaja škola: Tradicii i sovremennost’” [“The Kazan School of Linguistics: Tradition and contemporary linguistics”.] Kazan: Izdatel’stvo Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta.
Gussmann, Edmund, ed. 1995. Licensing in Syntax and Phonology. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Folium.
Halle, Morris. 1959. The Sound Pattern of Russian. The Hague: Mouton.
Ivanova, I. S. 2002. “Ešče raz k voprosu o naučnoj škole v lingvistike (Boduen de Kurtene i Peterburgskaja lingvističeskaja škola) [One more time about the question of scientific school in linguistics (Baudouin de Courtenay and the St.Petersburg linguistic school]”. Galiullin & Nikolaev, eds. 2002a.48–55.
Jakobson, Roman. 1949. “On the Phonemic and Grammatical Aspects of Language in their Interrelations”. Actes du VIe Congrès International des Linguistes, 5–18. Paris: Klincksieck. (Repr. in Jakobson 1971.103–114.)
Jakobson, Roman. 1960. “Kazańska szkoła polskiej lingwistyki i jej miejsce w światowym rozwoju fonologii [The Kazan school of Polish linguistics and its place in the world development of phonology]”. Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego 191.3–34. (English transl. in Jakobson 1971.394–428.)
Jakobson, Roman. 1967. Znaczenie Kruszewskiego w rozwoju językoznawstwa ogólnego [The significance of Kruszewski in the development of general linguistics]. Kruszewski 1967.x–xxv. [Russian transl., with summary in English, in Jakobson 1971.429–450.]
Jakobson, Roman. 1971. Selected Writings Vol. II: Word and Language. The Hague: Mouton.
Jakobson, Roman & Krystyna Pomorska. 1982. Besedy [Dialogues]. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, Hebrew University.
Jankowsky, Kurt R., ed. 1996. Multiple Perspectives on the Historical Dimensions of Language. Münster: Nodus.
Koerner, E. F. K. 1978a [1972]. “Jan Baudouin de Courtenay: His place in the history of linguistic science”. Koerner 1978b.107–136.
Koerner, E. F. K. 1978b. Toward a Historiography of Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Koerner, E. F. K. 1978c [1976]. “A Minor Figure in 19th-Century French Linguistics: A. Dufriche-Desgenettes”. Koerner 1978b.127–136.
Koerner, E. F. K. 1978d. “Zu Ursprung und Entwicklung des Phonem-Begriffs: Eine historische Notiz”. Koerner 1978b.177–188.
Koerner, E. F. K. & Aleksander Szwedek, eds. 2001. Towards a History of Linguistics in Poland: From the early beginnings to the end of the twentieth century. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Kruszewski, Mikołaj (= Kruševskij, Nikolaj Vjačeslavovič). 1876. “Zagovory kak vid russkoj narodnoj poezii [Charms as a type of Russian folk poetry]”. Varšavskie Universitetskie Izvestija, 1876 No. 3, 3–69.
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1879a. “Nabljudenija nad nekotorymi fonetičeskimi javlenijami svjazannymi s akcentuaciej [Observations on certain phonetic phenomena connected with accentuation]”. Učenye zapiski imperatorskogo Kazanskogo Universiteta 1879, No. 31.3–69. (Partial Polish transl. in Kruszewski 1967: 151–171.)
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1879b. “Vosem’ gimnov Rigvedy [Eight hymns from the Rigveda]”. Izvestija i učenye zapiski imperatorskogo Kazanskogo universiteta July-August 1879, 105–114.
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1880. “Lingvističeskie zametki. I. Novejšie otkrytija v oblasti ario-evropejskogo vokalizma. II. Izmenenie soglasnyx grupp vida EE; III: O morfologičeskoj absorpcii [Linguistic remarks. I: Newest discoveries in the domain of Indo-European vocalism; II: Changes of the consonant groups of type EE; III. On morphological absorption]”. Russkij filologičeskij vestnik 4:2.33–62.
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1881a. “K voprosu o gune: Issledovanie v oblasti staroslavjanskogo vokalizma [On the question of the ‘guna’: A study in the domain of Old Slavic vocalism]”. Russkij filologičeskij vestnik 51:1.1–109. (Extracts in Polish transl. in Kruszewski 1967: 25–46.)
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1881b. Ueber die Lautabwechslung. Kazan: Universitätsbuchdruckerei. (English transl. = Kruszewski 1978; rev. version reprinted in Kruszewski 1995.5–34.)
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1883. Očerk nauki o jazyke [An outline of the science of language]. Učenye zapiski imperatorskogo Kazanskogo Universiteta 50: 1 (January-April 1883), Supplement. (German transl. = Kruszewski 1884–1890; Polish transl. in Kruszewski 1967.47–150; extracts in Zvegincev 1964.289–294 and in Berezin 1977.382–398; English transl. by Gregory M. Eramian in Kruszewski 1995.43–173.)
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1884–1890. Prinzipien der Sprachentwicklung. [German transl. of Kruszewski 1883]. (Friedrich Techmer’s) Internationale Zeitschrift für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft 11.295–307 (1884), 21.258–268 (1885), 31.145–170 (1887), 51.133–144, 360–399 (1890). Leipzig: J. A. Barth. (Repr., Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 1973.) [Excerpts from 1.301, 304 and 3.172, 174 in Hans Arens, Sprachwissenschaft: Der Gang ihrer Entwicklung von Antike bis zur Gegenwart, 2nd rev. and enlarged ed., 359–361. Freiburg & München: Karl Alber, 1969. Excerpts from 11.295–307 (1884) in Sprachwandel: Reader zur diachronischen Sprachwissenschaft ed. by Dieter Cherubim, 62–77. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1975.]
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1885. “Przyczynek do historyi pierwotnych samogłosek długich [A contribution to the history of original long vowels]”. Prace filologiczne 11.91–101.
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1891–1894. “Očerki po jazykovedeniju. I: Francuzskaja grammatika; II: Antropofonika [Sketches in linguistics; I: French grammar. II: Anthropophonics]”. Russkij filologičeskij vestnik 1891:21.248–271, 41.173–186, 1892:41.266–290, 1893.332, 1894:1/21.66–90. [Includes Bogorodickij 1891 and Kruszewski 1894.]
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1894 [originally written in 1880]. “Predmet, delenie i metod nauki o jazyke [The subject, division and method of the science of language]”. Appendix to Kruszewski 1891–1894. Russkij filologičeskij vestnik 1894:1/21.84–90. (Repr. in Zvegincev 1964.284–289.)
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1967. Wybór pism [Selected writings]. Transl. into Polish by Jerzy Kuryłowicz & Krystyna Pomorska, with introductory articles by Jerzy Kuryłowicz and Roman Jakobson. Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1978. “On Sound Alternation”. Transl. by Robert Austerlitz. Readings in historical phonology: Chapters in the theory of sound change ed. by Philip H. Baldi & Ronald N. Werth, 64–91. University Park, Pa. & London: Pennsylvania State University Press. (Revised version in Kruszewski 1995.5–34.)
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 1995. Writings in General Linguistics. Ed. with an Introduction by Konrad Koerner. Translations by Robert Austerlitz & Gregory Eramian. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 2002. Zamovljannja jak vid rosijs’koi narodnoi poezii [Incantations as a type of Russian folk poetry.] Translation into Ukrainian of Kruszewski 1876. Translated by Zinaida Paxolok. Luck, Ukraine: Visnik i K.
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 2004. Visim gimniv Rigvedy [Eight hymns from the Rigveda]. Reprint of Kruszewski 1879. Compiled and with an introduction and annotations by Zinaida Paxolok. Luck, Ukraine: The “Vezha” Editor. Section of the Lesja Ukrainka Volyn State University.
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. 2005. Biobibliografičnij pokazčik [Biobibliographical index.] Compiled and with an introduction by Zinaida Paxolok. Lutsk, Ukraine: Publishing house Volynska Mystetska Agentsiya Teren.
Kruszewski, Mikołaj. n.d. Archival materials deposited in the St. Petersburg branch of the archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences [Russkaja Akademija Nauk], reference: f.r. IV, op. 621, No. 1–8. 1) Konspekty inostrannyx knig, 1881–1882 [Summaries of foreign books]; 2) Leksičeskij material k kursu lekcij po drevneevropejskomu, drevnegrečeskomu i latinskomu jazykam, čitannyx v 1883–1884 akademičeskij god [Lexical material for a course of lectures in ancient European, ancient Greek and Latin, taught in the academic year 1883–1884]; 3) Sravnitel’naja fonetika drevnejšix predstavitelej arioevropejskix semej jazykov: Kurs lekcij, 1883–1884 učebnyj god [Comparative grammar of the oldest representatives of the Indo-European family of languages: A course of lectures, academic year 1883–1884]; 4) Leksičeskij material po drevnim indoevropejskim jazykam: sanskritskomu, baltijskomu, persidskomu i drugim [Lexical material from ancient Indo-European languages: Sanskrit, Baltic, Persian and others]; 5) Lingvističeskie materialy i nabroski po sravnitel’nym indoevropejskim jazykam i drugim [Lexical materials and notes on comparative Indo-European and other languages]; 6) Materialy k lekcijam po lingvističeskoj paleontologii [Materials for lectures on linguistic paleontology]; 7) Materialy po sravnitel’noj grammatike drevneevropejskix jazykov [Materials on the comparative grammar of ancient European languages]; 8) Materialy po sravnitel’noj fonetike slavjanskix jazykov [Materials on the comparative phonetics of Slavic languages].
Kuhn, Thomas S. 1962. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (2nd rev. ed., 1970.)
Kuryłowicz, Jerzy. 1927a. “
ә indo-europeen et hç hittite”. Symbolae grammaticae in honorem Ioannis Rozwadowski, vol. I1, 95–104. Cracoviae: Gebethener & Wolff.
Kuryłowicz, Jerzy. 1927b. “Les effets du ә en indo-iranien”. Prace Filologiczne 91.201–243.
Kuryłowicz, Jerzy. 1927c. “Origine indo-européenne du redoublement attique”. Eos 301.206–210.
Kuryłowicz, Jerzy. 1928a. “Quelques problèmes métriques du Rigveda”. Rocznik Orjentalistyczny 41.196–218.
Kuryłowicz, Jerzy. 1928b. “Le type vedique grbhayati
”. Étrennes de linguistique offerts par quelques amis à Émile Benveniste, 51–62. Paris: Geuthner.
Kuryłowicz, Jerzy. 1964. “On the Methods of Internal Reconstruction”. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, Cambridge Mass., August 27–31, 1962 ed. by Horace G. Lunt, 9–36. The Hague: Mouton.
Kuryłowicz, Jerzy. 2004. The Young Kuryłowicz: A collection of articles translated by Axel Holvoet and edited with an introduction by Wojciech Smoczyński. (=
Analecta Indoeuropaea Cracoviensia, 5.) Kraków: Poligrafix, Sc. [Contains translations into English of Kuryłowicz 1927a, b, c, 1928a, b.]
Mill, John Stuart. 1843. A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive; being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the method of scientific investigation. London: Parker.
Mironosnickaja, A. N. 1953. “Bibliografičeskij ukazatel’ trudov V. A. Bogorodickogo [A Bibliographical index of the works of V. A. Bogorodickij]”. Trudy instituta jazykoznanija AN SSSR. vol. II1, 257–270.
Mugdan, Joachim. 1984. Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929): Leben und Werk. München: Wilhelm Fink.
Niederehe, Hans-Josef & Konrad Koerner, eds. 1990. History and Historiography of Linguistics. 21 vols. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Nikolaev, G. A., ed. 1995a. Boduen de Kurtene: Teoretičeskoe nasledie i sovremennost’ [Baudouin de Courtenay: His scientific legacy and contemporary linguistics.] Materials from the conference held on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Baudouin’s birth. (=
Učenye zapiski, 131.) Kazan: Izdatel’stvo Kazanskogo Universiteta.
Nikolaev, G. A. 1995b. “Boduen de Kurtene i Kazanskij Universitet [Baudouin de Courtenay and Kazan University]”. Nikolaev, ed. 1995a.7–17.
Nikolaev, G. A. 1995c. “Pis’ma Boduena de Kurtene v Kazanskij Universitet [The letters of Jan Baudouin de Courtenay to Kazan University]”. Nikolaev, ed. 1995a, 90–102.
Nikolaev, G. A. 2001. Ivan Aleksandrovič Boduen de Kurtene (1845–1929). Kazan: Izdatel’stvo Kazanskogo Universiteta.
Nikolaev, G. A. 2002a. Nikolaj Vjačeslavovič Kruševskij (1851–1887). Kazan: Izdatel’stvo Kazanskogo Universiteta.
Nikolaev, G. A. 2002b. “I. A. Boduen de Kurtene o N. V. Kruševskom [Jan Baudouin de Courtenay on Mikołaj Kruszewski]”. Galiullin & Nikolaev, eds. 2002b.145–158.
Nikolaeva, T. M. 2002. “Eto miloe slovečko ‘morfema’ [That nice little word ‘morpheme’]”. Galiullin & Nikolaev, eds. 2002a.191–195.
Paxolok, Zinaida Oleksadrivna. 2002a. “Debjut vidatnogo lingvista [The debut of an eminent linguist].” Introduction to Kruszewski 2002.vii–xxxv.
Paxolok, Zinaida Oleksadrivna. 2002b. “Nieznany Mikołaj Kruszewski.” [The unknown Mikołaj Kruszewski]”. Alma Mater: Miesięcznik Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, January 2002 (No. 37), 17–20. Available online: [URL], accessed on 10 August 2006.
Paxolok, Zinaida Oleksadrivna. 2004. “Vid zamovljan’ do Rigvedy”. Introduction to Kruszewski 2004.vii–lv.
Paxolok, Zinaida Oleksadrivna. 2005a. “Storinki korotkoi biografii” (7–17); Xronologija žittja i naukovoj dijal’nosti Mikolaja Kruševs’kogo” (18–21). Introduction to Kruszewski (2005).
Paxolok, Zinaida Oleksadrivna. 2005b. “Genealogia Nikolaja V. Kruševskogo [The genealogy of Mikołaj Kruszewski]”. Paper presented at the international conference “Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929): Linguist, Publicist, Man”, Cracow University, 19–20 September 2005.
Radwańska-Williams, Joanna,
Williams, Joanna Radwańska.
Rozwadowski, Jan Michał. 1929. “Jan Baudouin de Courtenay”. Język polski 141.164–170. (Repr. in Rozwadowski 1960.260–265).
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