Cited by (12)

Cited by 12 other publications

Volchenkova, K.N., A.A. Nenakhova & E.Yu. Egorova
2022. “IT DOESN’T SCARE ME NOW!”: CHANGES IN TEACHER IDENTITY AFTER EMI TRAINING. Bulletin of the South Ural State University series "Education. Educational Sciences" 14:2  pp. 108 ff. DOI logo
Gajo, Laurent, Gabriela Steffen & Patchareerat Yanaprasart
2021. Between internationalising science and multilingualising knowledge. European Journal of Language Policy 13:1  pp. 75 ff. DOI logo
Hohenstein, Christiane & Magdalène Lévy-Tödter
2020. On International (Medical) Doctors’ Professional Identity in a Multilingual Environment. In Multilingual Healthcare [FOM-Edition, ],  pp. 235 ff. DOI logo
Yanaprasart, Patchareerat
2020. Language of knowledge and knowledge of language. Towards plurilingual sciences?. European Journal of Higher Education 10:3  pp. 257 ff. DOI logo
Melo-Pfeifer, Sílvia & Patchareerat Yanaprasart
2019. Introduction: plurilingual expatriate teachers in higher education. European Journal of Higher Education 9:3  pp. 244 ff. DOI logo
Dimova, Slobodanka & Joyce Kling
2018. Assessing English‐Medium Instruction Lecturer Language Proficiency Across Disciplines. TESOL Quarterly 52:3  pp. 634 ff. DOI logo
Björkman, Beyza
2017. PhD supervision meetings in an English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) setting: linguistic competence and content knowledge as neutralizers of institutional and academic power . Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 6:1  pp. 111 ff. DOI logo
Salomone, Rosemary
2015. The rise of global English. Language Problems and Language Planning 39:3  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
House, Juliane
2012. (Im)politeness in cross-cultural encounters. Language and Intercultural Communication 12:4  pp. 284 ff. DOI logo
House, Juliane
2012. Pragmatics of Lingua Franca Interaction. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
House, Juliane
2014. Managing academic institutional discourse in English as a lingua franca. Functions of Language 21:1  pp. 50 ff. DOI logo
House, Juliane
2021. Pragmatics of Lingua Franca Interaction. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo

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