Genetic translation studies
References (16)
Bourjea, Serge (ed.). 1995. Génétique & traduction. Paris: L’Harmattan.
Cordingley, Anthony, and Chiara Montini (eds). 2015a. Towards a Genetics of Translation, Special issue of Linguistica Antverpiensia (New Series) 14.
Cordingley, Anthony, and Chiara Montini. 2015b. “Genetic translation studies: an emerging discipline. Linguistica Antverpiensia (New Series) 14: 1–18.
De Biasi, Pierre-Marc. 2011. Génétique des textes. Paris: CNRS.
Durand-Bogaert, Fabienne (ed.). 2014a. Traduire, Special issue of Genesis, 38.
Durand-Bogaert, Fabienne. 2014b. “Les deux corps du texte.” Genesis 38: 11–33.
Grésillon, Almuth. 1994. Eléments de critique génétique. Paris: PUF.
Hay, Louis. 1993. Les Manuscrits des ecrivains. Paris: Hachette, CNRS.
Miller, Jeffrey Alan. 2018. “The Earliest Known Draft of the King James Bible: Samuel Ward’s Draft of 1 Esdras and Wisdom 3-4.” In Labourers in the Vineyard of the Lord: Scholarship and the Making of the King James Version of the Bible, ed. by Mordechai Feingold, 187–265. Leiden: Brill.
Mitchell, Breon. 2014. “The Lives of the Translators.” In The Man Between: Michael Henry Heim & a Life in Translation, ed. by Esther Allen, Sean Cotter, and Russell Scott Valentino, 250–269. Rochester, NY: Open Letter.
Munday, Jeremy. 2014. “Using primary sources to produce a microhistory of translation and translators: theoretical and methodological concerns.” The Translator 20 (1): 64–80.
Scott, Clive. 2006. “Translating the literary: Genetic criticism text theory and poetry.” In The Translator as Writer, ed. by Susan Bassnett, and Peter Bush, 106–117. London: Continuum.
Further essential reading
Cordingley, Anthony, and Patrick Hersant (eds). 2021. Translation Archives, Special issue of Meta 66 (1).
Deppman, Jed, Daniel Ferrer, and Michael Groden (eds). 2004. Genetic criticism: Texts and avant-textes. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Van Hulle, Dirk. 2014. Modern Manuscripts: The extended mind and creative undoing from Darwin to Beckett and beyond. London: Bloomsbury.