Infographics are becoming a common tool in the communication of public-health information. However, research-based resources in how to create effective infographics are rare. The application of design principles in the creation of infographics has been shown to more effectively communicate information. Here, the research explores the adherence of 84 research-based infographic design principles on 3 designs of varying levels of application. A multi-method approach, including eye-tracking, was used to record information location efficiency, memorability and user perception. Support was found in favour of utilising design principles in the creation of public health infographics; resulting in improved user opinion and information location.
Article outline
1.2Limitations of existing research
1.3Aim of the present study
2.Testing material development
2.1Infographic design
2.2Usability testing
2.3Testing material questionnaire (preliminary research)
3.Experimental testing methodology
3.3.1Information location
3.3.3Short-term memory test
3.3.4Long-term memory test
4.1Performance results between designs
4.1.1Information location time
4.1.2Number of fixations
4.1.3Short-term memorability accuracy
4.1.4Long-term memorability accuracy
4.2Qualitative results
4.2.1Preferential design
4.2.2Likert scale findings
4.2.3Microsoft desirability toolkit
4.3Results of opinion questionnaire
4.3.1‘Good’ design
4.3.2‘Average’ design
4.3.3‘Poor’ design
4.4Heat maps
5.Discussion and conclusion
5.1Discussion of results
5.1.1Quantitative results
5.1.2Qualitative results
5.2References to previous research
5.3Conclusions and recommendations for future research
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