Effective colors for information design
A color-coding study of China’s high-speed railway map
This study evaluated the effectiveness of China’s high-speed railway map’s color system based on color design
principles in information design. Various design limitations of the color system were identified and analyzed. A new color system
which enhanced the legibility of the map was re-coded and was considered satisfactory in the usability test. The research explores
the effect of colors in map design and provides valuable color-coding guidance, which may be applied to map design and to the
design of other information materials. The color evaluation, re-coding and usability test methods may bring practical insights for
information designers and color design researchers.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Color design principles and color theories for map design
- 3.Evaluation of the color system of China’s current high-speed railway map
- 3.1Are the colors following map color-design principles?
- 3.2Are the colors harmonious?
- 4.Reconstruction of the color system of China’s high-speed railway map
- 5.Usability test
- 5.1Participants
- 5.2Test environment, procedure, and materials
- 5.3Test settings
- 6.Results and analysis
- 6.1Comparison of reading speeds between existing and new color system
- 6.2Comparison of information-searching accuracies between existing and new color systems
- 7.Discussion
- 7.1The effect of colors on a transit map’s usability
- 7.2Evaluation of the existing and redesigned color systems
- 7.3Color coding for transit-maps
- 8.Conclusions