Article published In:
Information Design Journal
Vol. 12:2 (2004) ► pp.110119
Cited by (84)

Cited by 84 other publications

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2024. Rappresentazioni della città: immagini di stock e anestetizzazione del paesaggio. Rivista di estetica 85  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Maiorani, Arianna & Chun Liu
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2024. Construction visuelle de la désobéissance civile : l’exemple de Tsunami Democràtic. Amnis 3 DOI logo
Demaj, Uranela
2023. Constructing national identity in the public space. The discursive transformations of the semiotic-linguistic landscapes of Pristina, Kosovo. National Identities 25:3  pp. 191 ff. DOI logo
Dolina, Beata
2023. Lucinda, Hassan, Alejandro, and Their Multiple and Professional Identity Mediation Through Multimodality. In Multimodal Composing and Multiple Identity Mediations,  pp. 141 ff. DOI logo
Kucirkova, Natalia, Lucy Rodriguez-Leon & Neema Mwenda Chinula
2023. Rethinking agency in literacies: Malawian children’s and teachers’ perspectives. International Journal of Early Years Education  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Liang, Lisi
2023. How humour travels in the new and dynamic mediascape: a case study of a short video platform, Little Red Book, and an online teaching platform, Rain Classroom. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10:1 DOI logo
Rowley-Jolivet, Elizabeth & Shirley Carter-Thomas
2023. Research goes digital: A challenge for genre analysis?. ASp 84  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
Ademolu, Edward
2022. A pictured Africa: drawing as a visual qualitative research methodology for examining British African Diaspora imaginings of their ancestral ‘home’. Visual Studies 37:4  pp. 296 ff. DOI logo
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Hauge, Kjellrun Hiis
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Tai, Kevin W. H.
2022. Translanguaging as Inclusive Pedagogical Practices in English-Medium Instruction Science and Mathematics Classrooms for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students. Research in Science Education 52:3  pp. 975 ff. DOI logo
Van Couvering, Elizabeth
2022. Faces and charts: platform strategies for visualising the audience, the case of Facebook. Information, Communication & Society 25:11  pp. 1524 ff. DOI logo
Carrió-Pastor, María Luisa
2021. Multimodal metadiscourse in digital academic journals on linguistics, engineering and medicine. European Journal of English Studies 25:3  pp. 259 ff. DOI logo
Carrió-Pastor, María Luisa
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Wohlwend, Karen
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