Chapter 11
Si as a Q-particle in Old Spanish
This study examines the origin of Old Spanish direct interrogative si, a structure that has
barely been described in the literature. An analysis of historical texts shows that it originates from the Classical Latin
conditional conjunction si, which in Late Latin became a complementiser in embedded
interrogatives and eventually a polar interrogative particle. This evolution is documented primarily in biblical translations.
However, its continuation in Medieval Romance varieties proves that direct interrogative si was
used in vernacular Latin. The evolution of direct interrogative si constitutes a case of
insubordination (i.e. the conventionalised use in a main clause of a subordinate clause marker), a process that has not been
considered in accounts of the historical origin of interrogative particles in grammaticalisation studies.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Interrogative constructions in Romance
- 3.The evolution of interrogative structures: From Latin to Romance
- 4.Interrogative si in the history of Spanish
- 5.Interrogative si in Medieval Romance
- 6.The grammaticalisation of Q-particles
- 7.Conclusions
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