Table of contents
Part I.Language integration through education
Prosody perception meets language attitudes: Vowel lengthening, status judgments, and stereotypes in Argentina11
Perceptual attitudes towards Spanish in the Panhandle of West Virginia39
Differing attitudes toward Spanish sign languages in three Galician pre- and primary schools61
The role of attitudes in the management of multilingualism in Brazilian schools located in the Brazil-Paraguay border
Part II.Language policy
Attitudes toward Portuguese in Uruguay in the nineteenth century111
Patterns of linguistic vitality: Intergenerational transmission in indigenous and immigrant bilingual communities137
Language use, language attitudes and identity in Curaçao155
Part III.Language maintenance
Parental language attitudes and language use among Brazilian families in Japan185
Portuguese in Massachusetts: Linguistic attitudes, social networks and language maintenance207
Spanish-speaking immigrants in Indiana: A quantitative exploration of their attitudes towards Spanish231
Part IV.Closing reflections
The study of language attitudes: Our foundation, our future255
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