Chapter 11
Linguistic markers of stance in advanced second language Spanish
academic writing
Written academic texts allow for the observation
of advanced capacities as writers must negotiate identities in order
to position their claims within a disciplinary community. The
construct of stance focuses on how a writer stamps her/his personal
authority on a text. This chapter reports on how six Spanish studies
majors constructed stance in their writing, reporting on both the
interpersonal-epistemic elements and the linguistic devices used.
Participants employed all four stance elements, relying primarily on
a limited number of lexical items to do so. Findings suggest that
Spanish studies majors may need additional instruction to acquire
the valued ways of meaning in academic writing and highlight the
importance of considering diverse contexts of use when exploring
advanced language competencies.
Article outline
- Previous research
- Stance
- Stance in academic writing
- Interactional stance elements in Spanish and English
- The current study
- Research context and corpus
Data analysis
- Results
- Discussion and conclusions