Table of contents
List of figuresxi
List of tablesxv
Introduction: Standardization, language standards and standard languages
I. History
1. Afrikaans sociohistorical linguistics: Reconstructing language formation
2. Afrikaner nationalism and the discovery of the vernacular
3. The Corpus of Cape Dutch Correspondence and the social context of language use in the nineteenth century
II. Variation analysis
4. On the analysis of variability and uniformity: An introduction to multivariate clustering techniques
5. The gradualness of morphosyntactic change
6. Morphological and syntactic variation
7. The Cape Dutch variety spectrum: Clusters, continua and patterns of language alternation
III. Establishing the norm
8. Engels, Engels, alles Engels: Language contact, conflict and purism
9. Social networks and the diffusion of standard Afrikaans
Epilogue: Language standardization and language change
Appendix: The Corpus of Cape Dutch Correspondence305
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