Part of
Spanish in Contact: Policy, Social and Linguistic Inquiries
Edited by Kim Potowski and Richard Cameron
[IMPACT: Studies in Language, Culture and Society 22] 2007
► pp. 2340
Cited by (42)

Cited by 42 other publications

Carando, Agustina, Sophia Minnillo, Paloma Fernández-Mira, Sam Davidson, Kenji Sagae & Claudia Sánchez-Gutiérrez
2023. Writing development in Spanish as a second and heritage language: a corpus study on complexity. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 10:1  pp. 59 ff. DOI logo
Dracos, Melisa & Pablo E. Requena
2023. Child heritage speakers’ acquisition of the Spanish subjunctive in volitional and adverbial clauses. Language Acquisition 30:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Potowski, Kim & Lourdes Torres
2023. Spanish in Chicago, DOI logo
Silvestri, Giuseppina
2023. The epistemic future in exported grammars: a comparison between two Italo-Romance speech communities. Romanistisches Jahrbuch 74:1  pp. 106 ff. DOI logo
Perez-Cortes, Silvia
2022. Lexical frequency and morphological regularity as sources of heritage speaker variability in the acquisition of mood. Second Language Research 38:1  pp. 149 ff. DOI logo
Perez-Cortes, Silvia
2022. ON COMPLEXITY AND DIVERGENCE IN HERITAGE LANGUAGE GRAMMARS. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 44:3  pp. 818 ff. DOI logo
Perez-Cortes, Silvia
2023. Re-examining the role of mood selection type in Spanish heritage speakers’ subjunctive production. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 13:2  pp. 238 ff. DOI logo
Perez-Cortes, Silvia
2025. Obviating the mood, but mostly under control: Spanish heritage speakers’ acquisition of the binding constraints of desiderative complements. Language Acquisition 32:1  pp. 76 ff. DOI logo
Ali, Farah
2021. Identity and investment in language learning. Spanish in Context 18:3  pp. 430 ff. DOI logo
Hur, Esther
2020. Chapter 8. Verbal lexical frequency and DOM in heritage speakers of Spanish. In The Acquisition of Differential Object Marking [Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 26],  pp. 207 ff. DOI logo
Hur, Esther
2020. Verbal lexical frequency and DOM in heritage speakers of Spanish. In The Acquisition of Differential Object Marking [Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 26],  pp. 207 ff. DOI logo
Lustres, Eduardo, Alejandro Cuza & Aída García-Tejada
2020. The acquisition of obligatory and variable mood selection in epistemic predicates by L2 learners and heritage speakers of Spanish. In Current Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 27],  pp. 319 ff. DOI logo
López-Beltrán, Priscila & Matthew T. Carlson
2020. How usage-based approaches to language can contribute to a unified theory of heritage grammars. Linguistics Vanguard 6:1 DOI logo
Checa-García, Irene & Mark Guiberson
2019. Test validity in morphosyntactic measures for typical and SLI incipient Spanish–English bilinguals. Language Testing 36:1  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
Jacob, Gunnar, Duygu Fatma Şafak, Orhan Demir & Bilal Kırkıcı
2019. Preserved morphological processing in heritage speakers: A masked priming study on Turkish. Second Language Research 35:2  pp. 173 ff. DOI logo
den Dikken, Marcel
2018. An incomplete disquisition against ‘incomplete acquisition’. In Questioning theoretical primitives in linguistic inquiry [Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics, 76],  pp. 269 ff. DOI logo
van Osch, Brechje & Petra Sleeman
2018. Spanish heritage speakers in the Netherlands: Linguistic patterns in the judgment and production of mood. International Journal of Bilingualism 22:5  pp. 513 ff. DOI logo
Child, Michael W.
2017. The Typological Primacy Model and bilingual types. In Multidisciplinary approaches to bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone world [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 13],  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Child, Michael W.
2022. Transfer in L3 cognate language acquisition: The role of language background on instructed L3 Portuguese acquisition. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 60:2  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
Osch, Brechje van, Aafke Hulk, Petra Sleeman & Suzanne Aalberse
2017. Knowledge of mood in internal and external interface contexts in Spanish heritage speakers in the Netherlands. In Multidisciplinary approaches to bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone world [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 13],  pp. 67 ff. DOI logo
Waltermire, Mark
2017. Mood variation after expressions of uncertainty in Spanish. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 10:2  pp. 349 ff. DOI logo
Otheguy, Ricardo
2016. The linguistic competence of second-generation bilinguals. In Romance Linguistics 2013 [Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory, 9],  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo
Pascual y Cabo, Diego
2015. Issues in Spanish heritage morphosyntax. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 8:2  pp. 389 ff. DOI logo
2014. Early language experience facilitates the processing of gender agreement in Spanish heritage speakers. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 17:1  pp. 118 ff. DOI logo
Putnam, Michael T. & Liliana Sánchez
2013. What’s so incomplete about incomplete acquisition?. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 3:4  pp. 478 ff. DOI logo
Gudmestad, Aarnes
2012. Acquiring a Variable Structure: An Interlanguage Analysis of Second Language Mood Use in Spanish. Language Learning 62:2  pp. 373 ff. DOI logo
Montrul, Silvina, Rakesh Bhatt & Archna Bhatia
2012. Erosion of case and agreement in Hindi heritage speakers. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 2:2  pp. 141 ff. DOI logo
Rothman, Jason & Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes
2012. Linguistic interfaces and language acquisition in childhood: Introduction to the special issue. First Language 32:1-2  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Bowles, Melissa A.
2011. MEASURING IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT LINGUISTIC KNOWLEDGE. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 33:2  pp. 247 ff. DOI logo
2010. Receptive Volitional Subjunctive Abilities in Heritage and Traditional Foreign Language Learners of Spanish. The Modern Language Journal 94:2  pp. 217 ff. DOI logo
Montrul, Silvina
2009. Knowledge of tense-aspect and mood in Spanish heritage speakers. International Journal of Bilingualism 13:2  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Montrul, Silvina
2010. Dominant language transfer in adult second language learners and heritage speakers. Second Language Research 26:3  pp. 293 ff. DOI logo
Montrul, Silvina
2010. Current Issues in Heritage Language Acquisition. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 30  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
2010. How similar are adult second language learners and Spanish heritage speakers? Spanish clitics and word order. Applied Psycholinguistics 31:1  pp. 167 ff. DOI logo
Montrul, Silvina
Montrul, Silvina
2012. Bilingualism and the Heritage Language Speaker. In The Handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism,  pp. 168 ff. DOI logo
Montrul, Silvina
2023. Heritage Languages: Language Acquired, Language Lost, Language Regained. Annual Review of Linguistics 9:1  pp. 399 ff. DOI logo
2009. Back to basics: Incomplete knowledge of Differential Object Marking in Spanish heritage speakers*. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 12:03  pp. 363 ff. DOI logo
Pires, Acrisio & Jason Rothman
2009. Disentangling sources of incomplete acquisition: An explanation for competence divergence across heritage grammars. International Journal of Bilingualism 13:2  pp. 211 ff. DOI logo
Potowski, Kim, Jill Jegerski & Kara Morgan‐Short
2009. The Effects of Instruction on Linguistic Development in Spanish Heritage Language Speakers. Language Learning 59:3  pp. 537 ff. DOI logo
Rothman, Jason
2007. Heritage speaker competence differences, language change, and input type: Inflected infinitives in Heritage Brazilian Portuguese. International Journal of Bilingualism 11:4  pp. 359 ff. DOI logo
Rothman, Jason
2009. Understanding the nature and outcomes of early bilingualism: Romance languages as heritage languages. International Journal of Bilingualism 13:2  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo

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