

  1. PAPER size should be A4, with standard (2.5 cm or 1 inch) margin settings.
  2. The preferred TYPEFACE is Times New Roman 12 point.
  3. SPACING should be 1.5 throughout (including references, notes, citations, tables, figures, and appendices).
  4. Papers should be reasonably divided into (numbered) sections and, if necessary, sub-sections.
  5. SPELLING should be British English or American English and should be consistent throughout the paper.
  6. EMPHASIS should be marked in italics, not bold.
  7. FOREIGN WORDS in the text should be in italics.
  8. QUOTATIONS in the main text should appear in quotation marks with the appropriate reference to the source and the page number. Quotations longer than 40 words should be put in a freestanding block of text, indented left, without quotation marks and with the appropriate reference to the source and the page number.
  9. TABLES and FIGURES should be integrated and placed where they are supposed to appear in the article. Interpreting is printed in monochrome, therefore all figures and tables must be clearly visible in black and white. TABLES should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and provided with a caption above the table. FIGURES should also be numbered consecutively and provided with a caption underneath. Tables and figures should be referred to by number in the main text, e.g., “in Table 1” or  “(see Figure 2)”.
  10. EXAMPLES should be numbered with Arabic numerals and referred to as such in the text. Examples in languages other than English should include an English translation.
  11. NOTES should be kept to an absolute minimum. Any notes will appear as footnotes and should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Note numbers in the text should follow any punctuation mark except a dash.
  12. APPENDICES should follow the “References” section.
  13. FUNDING INFORMATION should be provided if funding was received through a grant for the research that is discussed in the article, including funder name and grant number, in a separate section called "Funding information" before (an Acknowledgment section and) the References.
  14. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (other than funding information, see above) should be added in a separate, unnumbered section entitled "Acknowledgments", placed before the References.


Interpreting uses the author-date referencing style for in-text citations. Examples: Setton and Guo (2009) show...; as found in Roy (2000a, 2000b); in several publications (e.g. Morris 2008; Roberts 1997; Wadensjö et al. 2007). When indicating page numbers, a colon followed by a space separates the year from the page number(s). Examples: (Gile 2009: 5; Roy 2000a: 15-16; Setton & Guo 2009: 212).

The REFERENCES section should list all (and only) references cited in the main text. References should be listed first alphabetically and then chronologically. It is essential that the references be formatted to the specifications given in these guidelines.


Book (Monograph)

Gile, D. (2009). Basic concepts and models for interpreter and translator training (Rev. ed.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Roy, C. B. (2000a). Interpreting as a discourse process. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Edited volume

Roy, C. B. (Ed.) (2000b). Innovative practices for teaching sign language interpreters. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Wadensjö, C., Englund Dimitrova, B. & Nilsson, A.-L. (Eds.) (2007). The Critical Link 4: Professionalisation of interpreting in the community. Selected papers from the 4thInternational Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health and Social Service Settings, Stockholm, Sweden, 20-2 3 May 2004. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Article in book

Roberts, R. P. (1997). Community interpreting today and tomorrow. In S. E. Carr, R. Roberts, A. Dufour & D. Steyn (Eds.), The critical link: Interpreters in the community. Papers from the First International Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health, and Social Service Settings (Geneva Park, Canada, June 1-4, 1995). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 7-26.

Article in journal

Morris, R. (2008). Missing stitches: An overview of judicial attitudes to interlingual interpreting in the criminal justice systems of Canada and Israel. Interpreting 10 (1), 34-64.

Setton, R. & Guo, A. L. (2009). Attitudes to role, status and professional identity in interpreters and translators with Chinese in Shanghai and Taipei. Translation and Interpreting Studies 4 (2), 210-238.

Unpublished thesis

Shlesinger, M. (2000). Strategic allocation of working memory and other attentional resources. PhD dissertation, Bar-Ilan University.

Electronic source

Schneider, D. (2013). Educational technologies. (accessed dd month yyyy).