This study aims to uncover the complexity of emoji usage on Chinese social media. We investigate emoji usage in
comments on push notifications from the WeChat official account of Guokr, which was chosen as a representative
for an open forum for public communication. The data includes 2,552 comments from 90 articles pushed by the account. The analysis
adopts a discourse-pragmatic perspective within the framework of intercultural pragmatics (Kecskes 2014), taking into account both the local
discourse environment and the cultural context. It is found that Chinese WeChat users show a preference for using emojis that are
unique to the WeChat platform. Qualitative analyses were carried out on selected WeChat emojis used in comments fulfilling the
speech acts of self-disclosure, self-praise, humor and complaining. Emojis are found to be used to perform and reinforce a sense
of playfulness in social media, but underlying this playfulness there is a discursive conformity to social norms in real life. The
use of emojis resolves the tension between the openness and freedom in social media and the conservative, constraint-bounded
nature of established social norms.
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