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intention to use in an entertainment scenario. Toward such a goal, we designed two personalities: one introverted with an empathic
and self-comparative interaction style, and the other extroverted with a provocative and other-comparative interaction style. To
evaluate the proposed technology acceptance model, we conducted an experiment (N = 209) at a public venue where
users were requested to play a game with the support of the TIAGo robot. Our findings show that the robot personality affects the
acceptance model and three relevant drivers: perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, and social influence. The extroverted
robot was perceived as more useful than the introverted, and participants who interacted with it were faster at solving the game.
On the other hand, the introverted robot was perceived as more enjoyable but less useful than the extroverted, and participants
who interacted with it made fewer mistakes. Taken together, these findings support the importance of designing proper robot
personalities in influencing users’ acceptance, featuring that a given style can elicit a different driver of acceptance.
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2022. Implications of Robot Backchannelling in Cognitive Therapy. In Social Robotics [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13817], ► pp. 546 ff.
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