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Lyons, Derek E., Andrew G. Young & Frank C. Keil
The hidden structure of overimitation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104:50
► pp. 19751 ff.
Southgate, Victoria, Catharine Van Maanen & Gergely Csibra
Infant Pointing: Communication to Cooperate or Communication to Learn?.
Child Development 78:3
► pp. 735 ff.
Sterelny, Kim
Rethinking Inheritance.
Biological Theory 2:3
► pp. 215 ff.
Allen, Jon G.
Mentalizing in Practice. In
Handbook of Mentalization‐Based Treatment,
► pp. 1 ff.
Fonagy, Peter
The Mentalization‐Focused Approach to Social Development. In
Handbook of Mentalization‐Based Treatment,
► pp. 51 ff.
Fonagy, Peter
Mutual Regulation, Mentalization, and Therapeutic Action: A Reflection on the Contributions of Ed Tronick to Developmental and Psychotherapeutic Thinking.
Psychoanalytic Inquiry 35:4
► pp. 355 ff.
Nielsen, Mark
Copying actions and copying outcomes: Social learning through the second year..
Developmental Psychology 42:3
► pp. 555 ff.
Nielsen, Mark
The imitative behaviour of children and chimpanzees: A window on the transmission of cultural traditions1.
Revue de primatologie :1
Nielsen, Mark
Young Children's Imitative and Innovative Behaviour on the Floating Object Task.
Infant and Child Development 22:1
► pp. 44 ff.
Striano, Tricia, Vincent M. Reid & Stefanie Hoehl
Neural mechanisms of joint attention in infancy.
European Journal of Neuroscience 23:10
► pp. 2819 ff.
Tomasello, Michael
Rational Imitation in 12‐Month‐Old Infants Christiane Schwier, Catharine van Maanen, Malinda Carpenter.
Infancy 10:3
► pp. 303 ff.
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Trusting in Psychotherapy,
► pp. 197 ff.
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The Whole Person,
► pp. 467 ff.
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