Article published In:
Epigenetic robotics
Edited by Giorgio Metta and Luc Berthouze
[Interaction Studies 7:2] 2006
► pp. 197232
Cited by (54)

Cited by 54 other publications

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Bülthoff, Heinrich, Christian Wallraven & Martin A. Giese
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Fitter, Naomi T., Dylan T. Hawkes & Katherine J. Kuchenbecker
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van der Smagt, Patrick, Michael A. Arbib & Giorgio Metta
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2009. Development, Complex Dynamic Systems of. In Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science,  pp. 1872 ff. DOI logo
Arbib, Michael A., Giorgio Metta & Patrick van der Smagt
2008. Neurorobotics: From Vision to Action. In Springer Handbook of Robotics,  pp. 1453 ff. DOI logo
Bülthoff, Heinrich H., Christian Wallraven & Martin A. Giese
2008. Perceptual Robotics. In Springer Handbook of Robotics,  pp. 1481 ff. DOI logo
Fitzpatrick, Paul, Amy Needham, Lorenzo Natale & Giorgio Metta
2008. Shared challenges in object perception for robots and infants. Infant and Child Development 17:1  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Fleischer, Falk, Antonino Casile & Martin A. Giese
2008. Neural Model for the Visual Recognition of Goal-Directed Movements. In Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2008 [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5164],  pp. 939 ff. DOI logo
Fleischer, Falk, Antonino Casile & Martin A. Giese
2009. 2009 9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots,  pp. 514 ff. DOI logo
Riva, Giuseppe, Andrea Gaggioli & Fabrizia Mantovani
2008. Are Robots Present? From Motor Simulation to “Being There”. CyberPsychology & Behavior 11:6  pp. 631 ff. DOI logo
Castellini, Claudio, Francesco Orabona, Giorgio Metta & Giulio Sandini
2007. Internal models of reaching and grasping. Advanced Robotics 21:13  pp. 1545 ff. DOI logo
Craighero, Laila, Giorgio Metta, Giulio Sandini & Luciano Fadiga
2007. The mirror-neurons system: data and models. In From Action to Cognition [Progress in Brain Research, 164],  pp. 39 ff. DOI logo
Krüger, Volker, Danica Kragic, Aleš Ude & Christopher Geib
2007.  The meaning of action: a review on action recognition and mapping . Advanced Robotics 21:13  pp. 1473 ff. DOI logo

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