ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Volume 12 (1971)
1971. ca. 96 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
MiscellaneaW. Martin | p. 93
Computer LyrikReviewed by W. Martin | p. 93
Pro-légomènes à l'étude des structures in-tonativesReviewed by R. Collier | pp. 93–94
Les techniques de la phonétique instrumentale et l'intonationReviewed by R. Collier | pp. 94–95
De Friezen en hun taalReviewed by M. Van Overbeke | p. 95
The Languages of a Bilingual CommunityReviewed by M. Van Overbeke | pp. 95–96
Berichtstage des Sonderforschungsbe-reichs für elektronische Sprachfor-schung.Reviewed by D. Geens | p. 96
International Meeting on Computational LinguisticsReviewed by W. Martin | p. 96
Information Retrieval and LinguisticsJ. Hogendonk | pp. 1–10
Propositions Pour une Formalisation de la Méthode Tagmémique D'analyse SyntaxiqueJean - Marie Waaub | pp. 11–28
La Notion de Compétence Linguistique: de Chomsky à Quelques Travaux RécentsJacques Noel | pp. 29–39
L'université Bilingue : Premier Rapport D'Une Enquete Internationale sur les Universites et les Etablissements D'Enseignement Superieur Bilinguespp. 41–58
The Rules of The ArtW. Martin | pp. 59–72
Bespreking van Wolfson, L. (1970) Le schizo et les langues ; ou : la phonétique chez le psychotique. Série : «Connaissance de l'inconscient»Gerecenseerd door Yvan Lebrun | pp. 73–76
Bespreking van Mattens, Dr. W.H.M. (1970) De Indifferentialis. Een onderzoek naar het anumerieke gebruik van het substantief in het algemeen bruik-baar Nederlands. Studia Theo-disca, IX.Gerecenseerd door Maurice Van Overbeke | pp. 76–83
Bespreking van Miller, G.A. (1970) The Psychology of Communication. Seven Essays.Gerecenseerd door L.K. Engels | pp. 83–84
Bespreking van Glechcwski, Richard (1970) Das Sprachlabor ; Theorie, Methode, EffektivitätGerecenseerd door L.K. Engels | pp. 84–85
Bespreking van Bung, Klaus (1970) Probleme der Auf-gabenanalyse bei der Erstellung von SprachprogrammenGerecenseerd door L.K. Engels | pp. 85–86
Review of Sgall, Petr, Ladislav Nebesky, Alia Goralcikova & Eva Hajicova (1969) A Functional Approach to Syntax in Generative Description of Language Mathematical Linguistics and Automatic Language ProcessingReviewed by Wojciech Skalmowski | pp. 86–90
Review of Anderson, N., ed. (1969) Studies in Multilingualism International Studies in Sociology and Social AnthropologyReviewed by Maurice Van Overbeke | p. 91
Review of Bailey, R.W. & L. Dolezel, eds. (1968) An annotated bibliography of statistical stylisticsReviewed by W. Martin | pp. 91–92
Review of Forster, L. (1970) The Poet's Tongues. Multilingualism in LiteratureReviewed by Maurice Van Overbeke | pp. 92–93
Book reviews
Book reviews
Main BIC Subject
CJ: Language teaching & learning (other than ELT)
Main BISAC Subject
LAN020000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Study & Teaching