Article published In:
ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Vol. 5 (1969) ► pp.92103
References (6)
The terms “bilingual” and “bilingualism” are understood here in the meaning used
by E. HAUGEN, Bilingualism in the Americas, Alabama 1956, p. 9: “Bilinguals (...) is a cover term for people with a number of different language skills, having in common only that they are not monolinguals”. Cf. also the same author, The Norwegian language in America, Philadelphia 1953, p. 7: “Bilingualism is understood here to begin at the point where the speaker of one language can produce complete meaningful utterances in the other language”.Google Scholar
Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal, door Dr. C. Kruyskamp, M. Nijhoff, Den Haag 1961–8.
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L. Brouwers
s.j., Het juiste woord. Betekeniswoordenboek der Nederlandse taal, Brepols, Brussel-Turnhout 1965.Google Scholar
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