Article published In:
ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Vol. 8 (1970) ► pp.2936
References (24)
The Seminar was organised by Mr. W. Grauberg, Director of the Language Centre at the University of Nottingham, and sponsored by the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL). Abstracts of papers and the results of a Survey of Language Centres will be made available shortly.
E.g. at the last Annual General Meeting of BAAL, held at the University of Lancaster, April 1970.
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Published version in preparation, ed. CILT, 631 High Holborn, London, W.C. 1.
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Cf. K. Cameron, English Place Names, Batsford, London, 1961. Prof. Cameron is editor of the Annual Reports of the English Plaee-Name Society, c/o Department of English, University of Nottingham.Google Scholar
Cf. H.M. Berry, An Introduction to Systemic Linguistics, to be published by Batsford, London. From 1970 Miss Berry is acting as Secretary of the Linguistic Association of Great Britain.
Cf. W. Nash, Our Experience of English, to be published by Batsford, London.
Cf. R.G. Keightley, "A Transformational Generative Grammar of Spanish" (cyclostyled), 1968.Google Scholar
Members of the English Department teach a course "Communication and Report Writing" for Engineering students. Cf. Also A.J. Kirkman, Standards of English in Science and Technology, Ph.D. thesis, 1967.Google Scholar
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Cf. R.R.K. Hartmann (with F.C. Stork), Dictionary of Linguistics in preparation.
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M.M. Lewis, Language and the Child, NFEREW, Slough, 1969. .Google Scholar
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