La relació de Martorell a la cort de Nàpols i la discreta presència d’Itàlia en Tirant lo Blanc
Despite the presence in documents of Joanot Martorell in the court of Naples, Italy (the geography, the linguistical influx, the humanism, the glorious king Alfons d’Aragó…) does not belong to the novel project titled Tirant lo Blanc, which ranges from the Athlantic West to the Byzantine East. Although the appearance of two different lists of noble people from Naples – identified by Riquer, respectively, as supporters and detractors of the king Ferran – there is not any coherence nor accuracy. Nevertheless, the precarious coexistence in Naples of Joanot Martorell with Jaume de Vilaragut (hero in the siege of Rodes, chaptain in an unsuccessful crusade in Constantinople, master of a “servant” called Carmesina) had an influence in the plot and the fictional universe thought by the writer.