Els discursos sobre la llengua literària en la Renaixença valenciana / Discourses on literary language in the Valencian Renaissance
When Pompeu Fabra wrote his famous article in 1918, later entitled “La tasca dels escriptors valencians i balears” (The task of Valencian and Balearic writers), he was simply echoing two of the main issues which Valencian writers had been struggling with for about 40 years: the purification of literary language and the subordination of their dialect to the one used in Catalonia. Thus, this paper examines some of the linguistic difficulties which the writers of the Valencian Renaissance stumbled over, such as the doubts and obstacles posed by decastilianization and the setting of the high variety of the language, and also the opposition from many influential social sectors against linguistic and literary recovery, which was considered politically based. Another problem was the fierce resistance from Valencian society when having to accept and apply the name of the shared language “Catalan” to their own.