Per a un tractament integrat de llengües en el context escolar de les parles valencianes de base castellano-aragonesa i murciana
This work addresses the issue of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) regarding Spanish-Valencian in the Valencian speaking regions of Castilian and Murcia. In recent years, young generations of students in these historically Spanish Valencian speaking regions have suffered the process of substitution and marginalization of the local language in favor of the standard variety. Moreover, some schools in these regions still offer the possibility of being exempted of the Valencian language subject. To stop this trend, we consider necessary a new approach to teacher training that contemplates the Treatment of Different Languages; one that integrates a positive attitude towards the use of the historical dialectal varieties and their social prestige along with the study of the standard language.
Article outline
- 1.Ensenyament del valencià i integració de llengües en les comarques valencianes de parla castellana
- 1.1Valencià i castellà a les comarques valencianes de parla castellana
- 1.2El Tractament Integrat de Llengües
- 1.3Metodologia de la recerca
- 2.L’ensenyament de llengües en les comarques valencianes de parla castellana
- 2.1Un present que evoca el passat
- 2.2Entre l’oblit i el desinterés per la parla local
- 3.Els elements de la parla no normativa com a objectes ensenyables
- 4.El prejudici de parlar malament
- 5.L’ensenyament de llengües, des de la parla cap a la norma
- 6.Conclusions
Referències bibliogràfiques
Article language: Catalan