La perspectiva diastràtica en la Gramàtica de la llengua catalana. descriptiva, normativa, diatòpica, diastràtica (1994), d’Antoni M. Badia i Margarit
Badia (1994) presents his grammar as diastratic, by which he means the distribution of variants into three stylistic levels. This use moves him away from the tradition, in which diastratic means social dimension. Therefore an analysis of the references Badia provides has been done to find out whether there is any clue in them to understand this decision. None of them use the term diastratic. So, two questions arise: where had he known it? Why did he decided to change its meaning? Our hypothesis are that (1) it is plausible that he read Flydal (1952) and/or Coseriu (1981), and (2) having to choose a fourth adjective meaning ‘dealing with stylistic variation’, he decided to set up a personal concept for functional variation.
Article outline
- 1.El terme diastràtic en Badia (1994) per a referir-se a la variació funcional
- 2.Les fonts de Badia (1994) pel que fa a la variació funcional
- 2.1Estudis gramaticals rellevants en la història de la lingüística segons Badia
- 2.2La “Guia bibliogràfica” de Badia (1994)
- 2.3La “Bibliografia complementària” de Badia (1994)
- 2.4Altra bibliografia esmentada per Badia en altres textos
- 3.La variació en altres textos de Badia
- 4.L’establiment del concepte de diastratia en la lingüística estructuralista
- 5.Conclusions
Referències bibliogràfiques
Article language: Catalan