Cultivating contexts for deliberative argumentation
What strategies do social actors use to cultivate contexts for deliberative argumentation, and why do they expect them to work? Addressing this question advances understanding of actual deliberative argumentation and methods of analyzing and evaluating it. I analyze two keynote addresses designed to regulate discussions in conference panels that followed, and specifically discussions of how women ought to respond to racism. I find that the keynote speakers use strategies that bring to bear responsibilities inherent to the discussion form of consciousness-raising, including facing facts; listening, talking, and self-scrutinizing even when doing so is difficult or uncomfortable; and acting for change. The strategies make discussion responsibilities determinate, display the badness of moves that damage discussion, and show the speakers are exercising forbearance rather than withdrawing from discussion. These findings illustrate the need to consider how social actors communicatively cultivate local contexts for deliberative argumentation.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Normative pragmatic accounts of deliberative argumentation
- 3.Cultivating a context for deliberative argumentation at the 1981 NWSA convention
- 4.Cultivating a local context for deliberative argumentation
- 4.1Adrienne Rich’s “Disobedience is what NWSA is potentially about”
- 4.2Audre Lorde’s “The uses of anger”
- 5.Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- Note
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Innocenti, Beth
Marshaling Normative Pragmatic Force to Secure Autonomy.
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► pp. 290 ff.

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