Perspectives of business stakeholders about EMI in Turkiye
EMI programmes have grown exponentially in various parts of the world. While the reasons for the growth in EMI
programmes have been commonly discussed, the consequences or outcomes of EMI studies did not attract too much attention. Moreover,
various stakeholders of EMI, such as students, lecturers, parents and administrators, have been examined, but the stakeholders in
industry have received less consideration. Motivated by the necessity for a deeper investigation of the business stakeholders’
opinions about EMI, this study examined the perspectives of business stakeholders about EMI programmes and their graduates in
Turkiye. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 company managers and 12 human resources (HR) supervisors from a range
of large, medium and small companies. Our findings revealed that recruiters perceived obtaining a degree from an English-taught
programme as an important aspect of human capital taken together with other factors such as prior working experience, certificates
and/or further training. Nevertheless, company managers and HR supervisors occasionally had different perspectives regarding EMI
graduates’ English proficiency levels, which might be a sign of these stakeholders’ different perceptions towards EMI graduates
and their language proficiency.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Review of Literature
- Englishisation and internationalisation of higher education
- Stakeholders interests in EMI
- EMI in the Turkish context and job prospects of Turkish EMI graduates
- Human capital theory
- Methodology
- Context of the study
- Participants
- Research tools and analysis
- Findings
- Theme 1: Technical English can be a more serious issue to deal with than content/specialist knowledge
- Theme 2: Companies consider EMI in recruitment
- Theme 3: Some EMI graduates have reportedly quite low English proficiency levels
- Theme 4: Some EMI graduates lack content/specialist knowledge
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
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